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redirect 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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redirects, 3rd person singular present; redirected, past participle; redirecting, present participle; redirected, past tense;
  1. Direct (something) to a new or different place or purpose
    • - get the post office to redirect your mail
    • - resources were redirected to a major project

  1. channel into a new direction; "redirect your attention to the danger from the fundamentalists"
  2. Redirect examination is the trial process by which the party who offered the witness has a chance to explain or otherwise qualify any damaging or accusing testimony brought out by the opponent during cross-examination. ...
  3. (Redirection (Unix)) In computing, redirection is a function common to most command-line interpreters, including the various Unix shells that can redirect standard streams to user-specified locations.
  4. (Redirected) the ball strikes anything in flight after being kicked and heads off in another direction.  This can include a teammate, an opponent, and the referee.
  5. (Redirecting) an instruction telling a search engine to go into another page. This is a viable technique because search engines cash or save certain information about your website. ...
  6. Redirection means performing input from other than the standard input stream, or output to other than the standard output stream. You can redirect the output of the print and printf statements to a file or a system command, using the `>', `>>', and `|' operators. ...
  7. (redirection) Where you decide to change your investment choice and invest your future premiums into a different fund.
  8. (redirection) (n.) A mechanism by which clients accessing a particular URL are sent to a different location, either on the same server or on a different server. Redirection is useful if a resource has moved and you want the clients to use the new location transparently. ...
  9. (redirection) the capability to change the input stream to come from, or the output/error stream to go to a file. The basic operators for this are < for input redirection, > for output redirection and 2> for error redirection.
  10. (Redirection) A benign form of behavior reduction procedure. It involves the nonpunitive interruption of maladaptive behavior. An example is asking a student who is off task and talking to a peer how he is doing on his assignment.
  11. (Redirection) A dog taking a new command or a dog taking a command against his natural instinct, obeying because you ask him to.
  12. (Redirection) Because this is important, I make sure we cover it here, thoroughly. Redirection is simple, and here is the list again in a consolidated version for easy reference.
  13. (Redirection) Neither preferred nor standard periodicals are redirected to a new address. The sender is merely notified that the items were undeliverable.
  14. (Redirection) Sending the buyer to a page on your website after purchase, this may be a common thank-you page that is the same for all products, or a specific URL for a particular product. ...
  15. (Redirection) Technique for moving visitors to a Web page when its address has been changed and visitors are familiar with the old address. Web users often encounter redirection when they visit the Web site of a company whose name has been changed .
  16. (Redirection) The process by which traffic that is destined for one location is sent to another. This can be from server to server or, across a distributed network, from one WAN or LAN to another. Redirection is frequently used as a method of Failover.
  17. (Redirection) The process of sending default output to a different destination or receiving default input from a different source. This is commonly used to output text, that would otherwise be displayed on the computer screen, to a file.
  18. (Redirection) Varying levels of assistance that are provided to facilitate a different behavior
  19. (Redirection) is a vital component of any behavior intervention plan. If a behavior is unacceptable, the student needs to know what is expected instead, and this needs to be communicated clearly. Assistance and support may be required. The use of a visual aid, such as a pictograph, is often helpful.
  20. (redirection) In SysMaster, forwarding the packets of network connection to the cluster servers for processing.
  21. The term redirection refers to redirecting client device resources to server sessions so that published applications or desktops have access to them. ...
  22. (Redirects) A spam tactic used to send a visitor to a different page than the one found in the search results. You can find more information on this with the Black-Hat SEO Tactics.
  23. (Re-directs) Using code to direct users to another web page.
  24. (Redirects) 301 error indicates to the user that the site has been permanently moved to a different location. It is actually the most ideal way of redirecting for most websites. ...
  25. (Redirects) A function that forwards an old URL to a new URL.