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rectify 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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rectifies, 3rd person singular present; rectified, past participle; rectifying, present participle; rectified, past tense;
  1. Put (something) right; correct
    • - mistakes made now cannot be rectified later
    • - efforts to rectify the situation
  2. Purify or refine (a substance), esp. by repeated distillation
    • - add 10 cc of rectified alcohol
  3. Convert (alternating current) to direct current
    • - rectified AC power systems
  4. Find a straight line equal in length to (a curve)

  1. math: determine the length of; "rectify a curve"
  2. refine: reduce to a fine, unmixed, or pure state; separate from extraneous matter or cleanse from impurities; "refine sugar"
  3. reform: bring, lead, or force to abandon a wrong or evil course of life, conduct, and adopt a right one; "The Church reformed me"; "reform your conduct"
  4. set straight or right; "remedy these deficiencies"; "rectify the inequities in salaries"; "repair an oversight"
  5. correct: make right or correct; "Correct the mistakes"; "rectify the calculation"
  6. convert into direct current; "rectify alternating current"
  7. (rectified) having been put right
  8. (Rectified) Cutting or grinding the edges of a tile allows the dimensions and squareness to be precisely controlled. Typically exhibiting a very square edge, rectified tiles are generally suited for installing without spaces or obvious grout lines between the tiles.
  9. Used by the Ministry of Truth as a euphemism for the deliberate alteration of the past.
  10. short for 'to wrecktify', a severe form of Pixel Displacement.
  11. [ réktə f ] (past and past participle rec·ti·fied, present participle rec·ti·fy·ing, 3rd person present singular rec·ti·fies)
  12. To convert AC voltage into DC voltage.
  13. To order the correction of an error.
  14. Perform rectification.
  15. Page:  Chapter 14 Pg. 128