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reconnoiter 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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reconnoitred, past tense; reconnoitring, present participle; reconnoitred, past participle; reconnoitered, past participle; reconnoitres, 3rd person singular present; reconnoiters, 3rd person singular present; reconnoitered, past tense; reconnoitering, present participle;
  1. Make a military observation of (a region)
    • - they reconnoitered the beach some weeks before the landing
    • - the raiders were reconnoitering for further attacks
  1. An act of reconnoitering
    • - a nocturnal reconnoiter of the camp

  1. scout: explore, often with the goal of finding something or somebody
  2. (reconnoitering) scouting: exploring in order to gain information; "scouting in enemy territory is very dangerous"
  3. Reconnaissance (literately French "recognition" • from Middle French reconoissance; Old French reconoistre; "-to recognize"), is a military term denoting a preliminary survey; especially: an exploratory military survey (also scouting) conducted to gain, or collect information. ...
  4. An act or instance of reconnoitering; To perform a reconnaissance (of an area; an enemy position); to scout with the aim of gaining information
  5. (reconnoitered) Of a region or situation that has been surveyed (especially in a military situation)
  6. (6. reconnoitering) a gathering of information concerning an enemy's position or movements
  7. To survey or examine.