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reconnect 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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reconnected, past participle; reconnected, past tense; reconnects, 3rd person singular present; reconnecting, present participle;
  1. Connect back together
    • - surgeons had to reconnect tendons, nerves, and veins
  2. Reestablish a bond of communication or emotion
    • - in order to keep your marriage healthy, it is important to reconnect as mature individuals

  1. Iris is an American electronic pop/rock band, formed by Reagan Jones and Mat Morris in 1993. After releasing their first album Disconnect, Matthew Morris was replaced with Andrew Sega who pushed the band's sound into a more experimental electronic direction. ...
  2. "Reconnect" was the debut single of Irish art rock quartet, Director. It was released on 24 April 2006, eventually dominating the Irish airwaves throughout the summer and receiving much radio play from Irish radio stations such as RTÉ 2fm and Today FM. ...
  3. Magnetic reconnection is a description of the tearing mode resistive instability in a plasma, in which the plasma resistivity leads to dissipation of free magnetic energy on a timescale intermediate between slow diffusion and fast Alfven relaxation. ...
  4. (Reconnecting) In essence, there is an invisible thread that connects you to the cosm that you come from. If you create a contradiction, you'll be disconnected from your reality. The thread will be broken. You will now conform to the axioms and world laws of the cosm you disconnected in. ...
  5. (reconnection) A process by which differently directed field lines link up, allowing topological changes of the magnetic field to occur, determining patterns of plasma flow, and resulting in conversion of magnetic energy to kinetic and thermal energy of the plasma. ...
  6. ((TOP) The Reconnection) Originally the meridian lines, sometimes called acupuncture lines, on our bodies were connected to the grid lines that encircle the earth. These grid lines were designed to continue outward and connect us to a vastly larger grid, tying us into the entire universe. ...
  7. (Re-connection) to the divine–from Latin re (again) + ligare (to connect, as in English ligament). This interpretation is favoured by modern scholars such as Tom Harpur, but was made prominent by St. Augustine, following the interpretation of Lactantius.
  8. (Reconnection) The rejoining of magnetic lines of force severed by the annihilation of the field across the neutral region. [H76]
  9. The concept of disconnect-reconnect is what provides the ability of SCSI to initiate and complete more than one task at a time. ...
  10. Important to use this word when talking to a client who has a very tired/old brand which needs to be updated.