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reconcile 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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reconciles, 3rd person singular present; reconciled, past participle; reconciled, past tense; reconciling, present participle;
  1. Restore friendly relations between
    • - she wanted to be reconciled with her father
    • - the news reconciled us
  2. Cause to coexist in harmony; make or show to be compatible
    • - a landscape in which inner and outer vision were reconciled
    • - you may have to adjust your ideal to reconcile it with reality
  3. Make (one account) consistent with another, esp. by allowing for transactions begun but not yet completed
    • - it is not necessary to reconcile the cost accounts to the financial accounts
  4. Settle (a disagreement)
    • - advice on how to reconcile the conflict
  5. Make someone accept (a disagreeable or unwelcome thing)
    • - he could not reconcile himself to the thought of his mother stocking shelves
    • - he was reconciled to leaving

  1. accommodate: make (one thing) compatible with (another); "The scientists had to accommodate the new results with the existing theories"
  2. harmonize: bring into consonance or accord; "harmonize one's goals with one's abilities"
  3. come to terms; "After some discussion we finally made up"
  4. resign: accept as inevitable; "He resigned himself to his fate"
  5. (reconciled) made compatible or consistent
  6. (reconciling) accommodative: tending to reconcile or accommodate; bringing into harmony
  7. Fluoxetine (trade names: Prozac, Sarafem, or in combination with olanzapine as Symbyax) is an antidepressant of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) class. It is manufactured and marketed by Eli Lilly and Company.
  8. To recreate friendly relationships; To make things compatible or consistent; To make the net difference in credits and debits of a financial account agree with the balance
  9. (Reconciling) The procedure of checking entries made in a business’s books with those on a statement sent by a third person (eg. checking a bank statement against your own records).
  10. (reconciliation) A schedule establishing agreement between separate sources of information, such as accounting records reconciled with the financial statements.
  11. When two or more people, or groups of people, agree to settle their differences after arguing with each other.
  12. To check a financial account against another for accuracy.
  13. To compare one balance of an account with another. To reconcile the accounts receivable detail ledgers with the accounts receivable control account.
  14. to become friendly again after a disagreement (ทำให้)ปรองดองกัน
  15. in order to put forth a tentative action plan for the intervention, we must reconcile our behaviors list with the research information in order to recommend a set of behaviors.
  16. [Lev6:30; 1 Sa29:4; Eze45:20; Eph2:16; Col 1: 20] to conciliate anew; to call back into union and friendship the affections which have been alienated; to restore to friendship or favor after estrangement; as, to reconcile men or parties that have been at variance.
  17. get it straightened out; get it worked out.
  18. to verify the transactions in a personal transaction record book with a bank statement
  19. To bring peace to warring parties.  Man declares war on God through sin.  Jesus Christ reconciles man to God by paying the penalty for man's sin for him. (Romans 5:11, 2 Corinthians 5:18-19)
  20. To reconcile means to ensure that amounts withheld, deposited, paid, and reported by employers agree with each other and, if they do not, to determine the reasons and make the necessary corrections.
  21. To work out. You should always reconcile your bank statement with your checkbook within 72 hours of receiving the statement.
  22. To ascertain the precise components of the difference between two related figures produced independently of each other
  23. Show how two apparently opposed or mutually exclusive ideas or propositions can be seen to be similar in important respects, if not identical.Involves need to 'analyze' and 'justify' (see above).
  24. to bring to agreement, harmonize
  25. (v) caraşdırırģa, caraşırģa