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reception 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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receptions, plural;
  1. The action or process of receiving something sent, given, or inflicted
    • - the reception of impulses from other neurons
    • - the reception of the sacrament
  2. The way in which a person or group of people reacts to someone or something
    • - the proposal continued to get a lukewarm reception on Wall Street
  3. The receiving of broadcast signals
    • - a microchip that will allow parents to block reception of violent programs
  4. The quality of this
    • - I had to put up with poor radio reception
  5. The action of admitting someone to a place, group, or institution or the process of being admitted
    • - their reception into the Church
  6. The formal or ceremonious welcoming of a guest
    • - his reception by the Prime Minister
  7. An act of catching the ball

  8. A formal social occasion held to welcome someone or to celebrate a particular event
    • - a wedding reception
  9. The area in a hotel, office, or other establishment where guests and visitors are greeted and dealt with
    • - the reception desk

  1. the manner in which something is greeted; "she did not expect the cold reception she received from her superiors"
  2. a formal party of people; as after a wedding
  3. quality or fidelity of a received broadcast
  4. the act of receiving
  5. (American football) the act of catching a pass in football; "the tight end made a great reception on the 20 yard line"
  6. (receptive) open to arguments, ideas, or change; "receptive to reason and the logic of facts"
  7. In American football, a reception is part of a play in which a forward pass from behind the line of scrimmage is received (caught) by a player in bounds, who, after the catch, proceeds to either score a touchdown or be downed. ...
  8. In astrology, reception is a condition where one planet is located in a sign where a second planet has astrological dignity--for example, a sign which the second planet rules or in which it is exalted, or where the second planet is the triplicity ruler.
  9. Reception or Primary 1 is the first year of primary school in the United Kingdom and South Australia. It is preceded by nursery and is followed by Year One in England and Wales or Primary 2 in Northern Ireland and Scotland.
  10. The Reception is 2005 feature film by American director John G. Young whose other films include Parallel Sons in 1995 and Rivers Wash Over Me in 2009. He wrote and directed the movie.
  11. (receptive) capable of receiving something; ready to receive new ideas or concepts
  12. (Receptions) 103 Larry Fitzgerald (2005)
  13. (RECEPTIVE) the opposite of insertive; i.e. the receptive partner, has someone's penis put INTO them
  14. (Receptive) communication refers to how well an individual understands communication, whether it is speech, sign or writing. It contrasts with expressive communication.
  15. (Receptive) in this case it refers to a female that is willing to accept a mate.
  16. (receptive) able and willing to listen to and accept information, new ideas, etc. Slim is willing to listen to what George is about to tell him.
  17. (receptive) responding to stimuli, or responsive to sexual behavior.
  18. A declaration that a classifier is prepared to react to the receipt of a signal.
  19. A ceremony, usually celebrated by the bishop, in which someone who has been baptized in another Christian tradition is received as a member of the Episcopal church.
  20. (JP 1-02) - 1. All ground arrangements connected with the delivery and disposition of air or sea drops. ...
  21. oral and/or written activities including listening and reading comprehension.
  22. Social gathering usually before an event.
  23. But human nature rarely recognizes merit in its own generation, and the spirit of conservatism rose in rebellion against beneficial innovation. Jerome was accused of slighting the Septuagint, which even in the eyes of Augustine was equally inspired with the Hebrew original. ...
  24. The process of receiving electromagnetic energy emitted by a sample at its resonant frequency (also called detection). As nuclei return to a low-energy state following the cessation of the excitation pulse, they emit energy that can be measured by a receiver coil.