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receipt 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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receipts, plural;
  1. Mark (a bill) as paid
    • - the receipted hotel bill
  2. Write a receipt for (goods or money)
    • - all fish shall be receipted at time of purchase
  1. The action of receiving something or the fact of its being received
    • - I would be grateful if you would acknowledge receipt of this letter
    • - this office is already in receipt of your midterm grades
  2. A written or printed statement acknowledging that something has been paid for or that goods have been received

  3. An amount of money received during a particular period by an organization or business
    • - box-office receipts
  4. A recipe

  1. reception: the act of receiving
  2. acknowledge: report the receipt of; "The program committee acknowledged the submission of the authors of the paper"
  3. an acknowledgment (usually tangible) that payment has been made
  4. mark or stamp as paid
  5. (receipts) gross: the entire amount of income before any deductions are made
  6. A receipt is a written acknowledgement that a specified article or sum of money has been received as an exchange for goods or services. The receipt acts as the title to the property obtained in the exchange .
  7. (receipts) Money coming in, for example, from selling goods and services or taking out a loan
  8. (5. Receipts) You should get a receipt at the time you make a transaction or obtain cash using your Card. You agree to retain your receipts to verify your transactions.
  9. (Receipts) We will issue receipts for each payment received, pursuant to Section 30 of the Investment Intermediaries Act 1995 and these should be retained in a safe place. A receipt will also be issued in respect of all completed direct debit mandates received.
  11. (Receipts) Funds collected from selling land, capital, or services, as well as collections from the public (budget receipts), such as taxes, fines, duties, and fees.
  12. (RECEIPTS) The receipt of goods or services MUST be reported to Purchasing immediately. Failure to do so results in delayed payment to vendors, possible assessment of finance charges against your department's account, and severed vendor relations and possible loss of supply sources.
  13. (Receipts) Collections from the public based on the government’s exercise of its sovereign powers, including individual and corporate income taxes and social insurance taxes, excise taxes, duties, court fines, compulsory licenses, and deposits of earnings by the Federal Reserve System. ...
  14. (Receipts) To properly estimate the Community contribution, the budget of FP6 contracts must comprise in addition to the estimated eligible costs also the estimated eligible receipts of the contractors within the project. ...
  15. (Receipts) the cheques and cash received by the organisation in return for goods or services supplied. See basic book keeping.
  16. (Receipts) the materials or transactions associated with the receiving process.
  17. Receipts are all cash deposits.
  18. A term typically used to describe confirmation of a payment - if you buy some petrol you will normally ask for a receipt to prove that the money was spent legitimately.
  19. A printed piece of paper showing the details of a particular sale, usually: the date, establishment name & address, cost of items sold, tip, tax, total, and form of payment rendered. Some receipts also show upcoming promotions, the company's website or other non-sales information. ...
  20. A hard-copy document representing a transaction that took place at the point of sale, with a description that usually includes: date, merchant name/location, primary account number, amount and reference number.
  21. A document acknowledging payment or delivery.
  22. a printed statement showing things you bought and the price you paid for them
  23. The functional message that is sent from a receiver to a sender to acknowledge receipt of an EDI/EC interchange.
  24. Documentation of the exchange of funds, including receipts produced in a computerized environment (e.g., a register or electronically generated receipt) and handwritten receipts (preferably written on pre-numbered, duplicate forms).
  25. A source document given when money (or some other form of payment) has been made to an organisation.