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recap 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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recaps, 3rd person singular present; recapped, past tense; recapping, present participle; recapped, past participle;
  1. State again as a summary; recapitulate
    • - a way of recapping the story so far
    • - to recap, it’s been a year full of ups and downs
  1. A summary of what has been said; a recapitulation
    • - a quick recap of the idea and its main advantages

  1. recapitulate: summarize briefly; "Let's recapitulate the main ideas"
  2. recapitulation: a summary at the end that repeats the substance of a longer discussion
  3. retread: a used automobile tire that has been remolded to give it new treads
  4. A recapitulation; To seal (something) again with a cap
  5. Recapitulation of the terms and conditions agreed
  6. A standard Type used to describe a text piece, separate from a comic story, recounting what has happened in previous stories in the same narrative.
  7. is a 3-5 minute highlight of the Wedding comprised of the most poignant moments of the day set to music. Every wedding day feature includes the Recap.
  8. (Abbreviation of "recapitulation") A summary of results in a bridge tournament.
  9. A recap is a cost summary of an estimate. The recap included with estimating software shows project costs by category, such as: labor hours, cost of labor, cost of materials, job expenses, and material quotes, etc.
  10. Another term for a retreaded tire.
  11. Dictate a few sentences about what the session has covered: analysing documents to build a vocabulary; using text to speech to read; and dictation to answer questions. Say “File” then “Print” then “OK” to print the document, and then save it as StudentsNameSession7.
  12. This stage describes funds that make investments into portfolio companies that include a reorganization of a company's capital structure. Often recap funds will sell off non-essential assets, or pay down debt that a company owes.