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readmit 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Admit (someone) to a place or organization again,
  1. Admit (someone) to a place or organization again
    • - he was later readmitted to Carnegie Tech

  1. admit anew; "The refugee was readmitted into his home country"
  2. admit again or anew; "After paying a penalty, the player was readmitted"
  3. (readmission) the act of admitting someone again; "the surgery was performed on his readmission to the clinic"
  4. (readmission) a second or subsequent admission
  5. (Readmission) Students whose attendance at USA has been interrupted by at least one term (excluding summer) must apply for readmission through the Admissions office.
  6. (Readmission (From Academic Disqualification)) A petition for readmission after academic disqualification is initiated by the student through the Academic Review Department. All grade issues (IN, MG, etc.) must be resolved prior to submission of a readmission petition. ...
  7. (Readmission) An option available to students that were suspended from the university or students that have not enrolled for a period of time to continue their studies at WSSU.
  8. Students who are apply and are readmitted to UC Merced after a voluntary absence or academic disqualification.