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reactivate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Restore (something) to a state of activity; bring back into action,
  1. Restore (something) to a state of activity; bring back into action

  1. activate (an old file) anew
  2. (Reactivation) Stop-loss is a term primarily used in the United States military. In the U.S. military, it is the involuntary extension of a service member's active duty service under the enlistment contract in order to retain them beyond their initial end of term of service (ETS) date and up to ...
  3. A “reactivated” record is a record that has been closed and possibly archived and that is again required as the issue contained in the file is ongoing.
  4. (REACTIVATION) A resumption of the activated status of an entire area that was previously deactivated without any change in the operator or the area boundaries.
  5. (Reactivation) If your account is suspended due to delinquent payment, a fee of $20 will be assessed to your account for reactivation. To reopen closed accounts, standard account activation fees apply.
  6. (Reactivation) A selected EIN, which has been previously identified as BMF inactive and dropped from a current business survey, and is now active based on BMF records. In most cases, reactivations occur when a firm resumes business under an EIN, which was previously identified as BMF inactive.
  7. (Reactivation) If a service is suspended, the client may be required to pay a reactivation fee of $25.00, and when applicable, to cover any administrative costs associated with the offense/violation, as determined by
  8. (Reactivation) Process of taking a domain name out of quarantine and changing its status from quarantine to registered.
  9. (Reactivation) When a lapsed donor makes another gift, they are considered “reactivated.”
  10. Reactivate means to re-open your status as a student at York University. You may have decided to take a break from your studies but now wish to return. As long as you have not studied elsewhere in the meantime, and you were not debarred, you should be able to reactivate your studies here. ...