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ranch 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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ranches, plural;
  1. Run a ranch
    • - cattle ranching
  2. Breed (animals) on a ranch

  3. Use (land) as a ranch

  1. A large farm, esp. in the western US and Canada, where cattle or other animals are bred and raised

  2. A single-story, sometimes split-level, house, typically with a low-pitched roof

  1. farm consisting of a large tract of land along with facilities needed to raise livestock (especially cattle)
  2. manage or run a ranch; "Her husband is ranching in Arizona"
  3. A ranch is an area of landscape, including various structures, given primarily to the practice of ranching, the practice of raising grazing livestock such as cattle or sheep for meat or wool. ...
  4. Ranch is a common name used to describe a brothel, especially in western areas of the United States.
  5. Ranch-style houses (also American ranch, California ranch, rambler or rancher) is a uniquely American domestic architectural style. First built in the 1920s, the ranch style was extremely popular in the United States amongst the booming post-war middle class of the 1940s to 1970s. ...
  6. The Ranch was a three-member country music band, formed by New Zealand-born country artist Keith Urban in 1997. Urban served as the band's lead vocalist, in addition to playing guitar, ganjo, and keyboards. Jerry Flowers sang harmony vocals and played bass guitar, and Peter Clarke played drums.
  7. A large plot of land used for raising cattle, sheep or other livestock; A small farm that cultivates vegetables and/or livestock; A house or property on a ranch land; A type of salad dressing; To operate a ranch; engage in ranching; To work on a ranch
  8. (ranches) Land grants for grazing or farming issued by the king of Spain to political or military agencies in California.
  9. A single story, one level home.
  10. land devoted to raising livestock under range conditions with forage grass as main source of feed.
  11. visioning, planning and design services for 3,700 acre conservation development / resort community in Vero Beach, Florida
  12. Ranch style houses were first built in the US in the 20s, rapidly gaining in popularity during the post-War boom. They are typically single story with a shallow roof line, hip roofs and simple layouts in the living spaces.
  13. a natural mink color, generally a very dark brown or black
  14. Comes from the Spanish word "rancho" which means a small farm, hut, or group of people who eat together. A ranch is an extensive farm where large herds of cattle or horses are raised.
  15. This does not mean 100 acres with a barn. This means "one-level living" with the living areas and bedrooms all on the level that you walk-into from the front door. ...
  16. Sometimes called the California ranch style, this home in the Modern family, originated there in 1930s. It emerged as one of the most popular American styles in the 1950s and 60s, when the automobile had replaced early 20th-century forms of transportation, such as streetcars.
  17. Single story house, usually with garage and basement.