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rampart 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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ramparts, plural;
  1. Fortify or surround with or as if with a rampart

  1. A defensive wall of a castle or walled city, having a broad top with a walkway and typically a stone parapet

  2. A defensive or protective barrier

  1. an embankment built around a space for defensive purposes; "they stormed the ramparts of the city"; "they blew the trumpet and the walls came tumbling down"
  2. The rampART was a squatted social centre in the Whitechapel area of east London, England. It was established in a derelict building in Rampart Street which was previously used as an Islamic school for girls. ...
  3. Rampart is an arcade game, released in 1990 by Atari Games, that combines the shoot 'em up and puzzle genres. It is widely-ported, with versions for most contemporary systems.
  4. Rampart is a fictional character from the toyline, comic books and cartoon series.
  5. (Ramparts (magazine)) Ramparts was an American political and literary magazine, published from 1962 through 1975.
  6. (The Ramparts) Rampart Canyon, Rampart Gorge, Lower Ramparts, and The Ramparts all are names for a high-banked canyon of the Yukon River located downstream of Rampart, Alaska and upstream of Tanana, Alaska. The canyon is located at an elevation of and was the considered site of a hydroelectric dam.
  7. A defensive mound of earth or a wall with a broad top and usually a stone parapet; a wall-like ridge of earth, stones or debris; an embankment for defensive purpose; A defensive structure; a protective barrier; a bulwark; That which defends against intrusion from outside; a protection; A steep ...
  8. (Ramparts) A broad earthwork around a fortification upon which walls or parapets were built.
  9. In fortifications, a steeply sloped earthen embankment topped by a parapet.
  10. Large bank of earth or stones or both forming the defence of a fortified site such as a hillfort
  11. Earthen works, main curtain wall. A broad embankment of earth which surrounded a fortified place. In forts or fortresses considered to be the entire top of the fortification , and contained the epaulment to protect the defenders. ...
  12. a defensive walkway on top of a castle wall
  13. The mass of earth and masonry formed to protect an enclosed area from artillery and small arms fire and to elevate defenders to a commanding position overlooking the approaches to the fort so created. A bulwark or defense upon which parapets are raised. The main wall of a fortress.
  14. A defensive earthwork. At Avalon a portion of the rampart measured approximately 6.1 metres (20 feet) wide and about 1.2 metres (four feet) high. It was constructed from earth dug from a defensive ditch just outside the rampart.
  15. A raised defensive embankment, often surmounted by a wall or parapet.
  16. earth or masonry wall forming the main defensive work of a fortress, usually surmounted by a parapet.
  17. A protected fighting platform for defenders. Built behind an earthen embankment or as a walkway on a stone wall top with a parapet such that the front/exterior face of the stone wall is higher than the rear walkway. ...
  18. Sloped reinforced or mass concrete on the approach of the toll island intended to redirect an errant vehicle. The sloped concrete rises toward the booth and often connects to a crash block. The rampart may have rounded or approximately square edges.
  19. Raised roads or tracks through fenland.
  20. Defensive stone or earth wall surrounding castle.
  21. sb. 1583. A mound of earth raised for the defence of a place, capable of resisting cannon-shot, wide enough on the top for the passage of troops, guns, etc. and usually surmounted by a stone parapet.
  22. a broad embankment of earth that supported the functioning elements of a permanent or semi-permanent fortification. The parapet and banquette were built at the front of the rampart; ramps moved troops from the interior of the work onto the terreplein of the rampart. ...
  23. A wall or bank of excavated earth surrounding a castle which was used to defend against attacks, usually topped with a palisade or stone wall.
  24. describes a beast or monster standing on one hind leg.
  25. Defensive outer wall of stone or earth. Rampart walk: path along the inner face.