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quoit 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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quoits, plural;
  1. Throw or propel like a quoit

  1. A ring of iron, rope, or rubber thrown in a game to encircle or land as near as possible to an upright peg

  2. A game consisting of aiming and throwing such rings

  3. The flat covering stone of a dolmen

  4. The dolmen itself

  1. game equipment consisting of a ring of iron or circle of rope used in playing the game of quoits
  2. (quoits) a game in which iron rings (or open iron rings) are thrown at a stake in the ground in the hope of encircling it
  3. The quoit is a type of brooch (often circular) popular during Saxon times. It was affixed with a single, straight, unclasped pin. It is thought to be an evolutionary link between Roman belt devices and the modern belt buckle.
  4. Quoits (koits, kwoits) is a traditional game which involves the throwing of metal, rope or rubber rings over a set distance, usually to land over or near a spike (sometimes called a hob, mott or pin). The sport of Quoits encompasses several distinct variations.
  5. (Quoits) To play at quoits in dreams, foretells low engagements and loss of good employment. To lose, portends of distressing conditions.
  6. (Quoits) English game similar to horseshoes but the throwing device is a rubber ring and players try to ring it around a peg in the ground
  7. (Quoits) the sport of throwing the quoit or of playing quoits. A quoit is aimed at a peg stuck in the ground, and is intended to fall with the ring surrounding it, or as to cut into the ground as close as possible to it. ...
  8. Cornish name for burial chamber or dolmen
  9. Cornish word for a dolmen