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quitclaim 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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quitclaims, plural;
  1. Renounce or relinquish a claim
    • - Aikins quitclaimed his interest in the three parcels of real estate
  1. A formal renunciation or relinquishing of a claim

  1. document transferring title or right or claim to another
  2. A quitclaim deed is a term used to describe a document by which a person (the "grantor") disclaims any interest the grantor may have in a piece of real property and passes that claim to another person (the grantee). ...
  3. A renunciation of claims; A deed that is a renunciation of claims to a parcel of real property and a transfer of one's claims to another; a quitclaim deed; To relinquish, release, or transfer a title, claim, or interest to another
  4. A form of deed in which the grantor is giving the grantee rights to a property but makes no warranties about rights others may have.
  5. The transfer to another of all interest in the subject property held by the transferor.
  6. When acquiring real estate it was advisable to ensure that no persons other than the seller or giver had any legal claims on the property, or any part thereof; this primarily applied to the spouse or kin (particularly heirs) of the grantor. ...
  7. A release or relinquishment of all of the grantor’s interest without a warranty of title.
  8. A deed of relinquishment of a claim or portion of mining ground.
  9. Deed renouncing any possible right to a property.
  10. A deed which transfers whatever interest the make of the deed may have in the particular parcel of land.
  11. A release of whatever claim or title you have in a property.
  12. An instrument releasing all interest (or the described interest) in land owned by the grantor at the time the instrument takes effect.
  13. A formal discharge or release.
  14. Giving up a claim or title.
  15. The release of a claim.