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quibble 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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quibbles, plural;
  1. Argue or raise objections about a trivial matter
    • - they are always quibbling about the amount they are prepared to pay
  1. A slight objection or criticism
    • - the only quibble about this book is the price
  2. A play on words; a pun

  1. evade the truth of a point or question by raising irrelevant objections
  2. argue over petty things; "Let's not quibble over pennies"
  3. In literature, a quibble is a common plot device, used to fulfill the exact verbal conditions of an agreement in order to avoid the intended meaning. Its most common uses are in legal bargains and, in fantasy, magically enforced ones. ...
  4. A trivial or minor complaint, objection or argument; To complain or argue in a trivial or petty manner
  5. (quibbly) Fussy; quibbling; Involving quibbles; Petty; trifling
  6. (quibbling) making petty distinctions or irrelevant observations
  7. (quibbling) (vb.): a type of arguing where you avoid the main point by bringing up petty details
  8. Quibbling is also known as attack on a minor point. It's often a diversionary tactic in argument. For example:
  9. To make subtle distinctions; also to play upon words.
  10. n.An utterly trivial distinction or objection
  11. to try to avoid by sophistication