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quaff 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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quaffed, past participle; quaffing, present participle; quaffed, past tense; quaffs, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Drink (something, esp. an alcoholic drink) heartily

  1. An alcoholic drink

  1. a hearty draft
  2. gulp: to swallow hurriedly or greedily or in one draught; "The men gulped down their beers"
  3. Drinking is the act of consuming water or a beverage through the mouth. Water is required for many of life’s physiological processes. Both excessive and inadequate water intake are associated with health problems.
  4. The act of quaffing, a deep draught; To drink or imbibe, especially with vigour
  5. (Quaffing) Drinking with purpose. See "glugger". This is what you would do with a case of gluggers!
  6. to drink deeply in a hearty or thirsty way.
  7. (vb.) kwof:   To drink ale in a hearty fashion, usually accompanying feasting, dancing or singing. Like drinking, only you spill more of it. "Oh my head, I was quaffing ale all night!"
  8. To drink, often used as the adjective “quaffable” to describe a basic, everyday, wine.
  9. (v) - to drink; to quench thirst