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putrefy 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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putrefies, 3rd person singular present; putrefying, present participle; putrefied, past tense; putrefied, past participle;
  1. (of a body or other organic matter) Decay or rot and produce a fetid smell

  1. become putrid; decay with an offensive smell; "organic matter putrefies"
  2. Putrefaction is the decomposition of animal proteins, especially by anaerobic microorganisms, described as putrefying bacteria. Decomposition is a more general process. Putrefaction usually results in amines such as putrescine and cadaverine, which have a putrid odor. ...
  3. To become filled with a pus-like or bile-like substance; To reach an advanced stage of decomposition; To become gangrenous
  4. (Putrefication) Souring of joint or topping compound. Syn: souring, smelling, spoiling.
  5. (v) - to rot, to decay