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psychologist 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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psychologists, plural;
  1. An expert or specialist in psychology

  1. a scientist trained in psychology
  2. (psychological) mental or emotional as opposed to physical in nature; "give psychological support"; "psychological warfare"
  3. (psychology) the science of mental life
  4. Psychology is the science and artEvans AN; Rooney BJ (2008). (p. 6). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.Plante TG (2005). (p. 7). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.Hilgard ER; Kelly EL; Luckey B; Sanford RN; Shaffer LF; Shakow D (1947). Classics in the History of Psychology. York University. ...
  5. (Psychology (album)) Psychology (2005) is the first album by Discover America on Tooth & Nail Records. It was engineered, produced, and fully recorded by Chris Staples.
  6. (Psychology (short story)) Psychology is a 1920 short story by Katherine Mansfield. It was first published in Bliss and Other Stories.
  7. An expert in the field of psychology
  8. (psychology) The study of the human mind; The study of human behavior; The study of animal behavior; The mental characteristics of a particular individual
  9. (PSYCHOLOGISTS) A professional who engages in advanced studies of human experience and behavior, and attains the competencies, degree and licensing necessary to conduct scientific research and provide clinical services in multiple contexts.
  10. (Psychologists) are regulated health-care professionals who help you adjust and adapt to your injury. They also help you set realistic goals for your recovery and return to pre-injury activities. ...
  11. Psychologists are specialists in human behaviour, development and functioning. They have expertise in conducting research and applying research findings in order to reduce distress, address behaviour and psychological problems, and to promote mental health and rational behaviour in individuals ...
  12. (Psychological) Relating to the mind and the processes of the mind.
  13. (Psychological) During sexual selection, telling the female anything she doesn’t want to hear, regardless of how true it is, immediately spoils a male’s chances. ...
  14. (Psychological) The emotions you may experience if you learn that you have a greater chance of having or passing on a serious disease can cause you to feel anxious or depressed. This may also affect your relationship with your partner or other family members. ...
  15. (Psychological) The science surrounding mental processes, both normal and abnormal, and their effects upon behaviour (Thomas, 2005).
  16. (Psychological) e.g. shouting, swearing, frightening, blaming, ridiculing, constantly criticizing, ignoring or humiliating a person. A common theme is a perpetrator who identifies something that matters to an older person and then uses it to coerce an older person into a particular action;
  17. (psychological) related to thoughts, feelings, and personal experiences
  18. (Psychology) The science that deals with mental processes and behavior.
  19. (Psychology) the story of a match. It can be as simple as a wrestler going after someone's bad leg or trying to hit a move to which the wrestler knows they have a weakness.
  20. (Psychology) Divination by means of the features of the head (interior).
  21. Psychology is concerned with the minds of men. It has two major meanings. The sciences of human action are not primarily concerned with the physiological meaning, sometimes known as natural or experimental psychology. ...
  22. (PSYCHOLOGY) Psychologists can be helpful in both assessment and therapy of the autistic spectrum disorders. A psychologist may need to monitor emotional stability and provide counselling and education (information) services as needed if the child or adult becomes overwhelmed or frustrated.
  23. (Psychology (Briefer Course)) (1892) University of Notre Dame Press 1985: ISBN 0-268-01557-0, Dover Publications 2001: ISBN 0-486-41604-6
  24. (Psychology (Hardcover, 2011)) $266.30labsbooks11+$3.9998.2% (8,041)Condition: Very Good
  25. (Psychology (Pediatrics)) This program provides assessment and treatment, including individual and family therapy, for emotional and behavioral problems, including temper tantrums, sleep problems, non-compliance, ADHD, depression and anxiety, autism, and adjustment to acute or chronic illness. ...