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prose 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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proses, plural;
  1. Talk tediously
    • - prosing on about female beauty
  2. Compose or convert into prose

  1. Written or spoken language in its ordinary form, without metrical structure
    • - a short story in prose
    • - a prose passage
  2. Plain or dull writing, discourse, or expression
    • - medical and scientific prose

  1. ordinary writing as distinguished from verse
  2. matter of fact, commonplace, or dull expression
  3. Prose is the most typical form of language. The English word 'prose' is derived from the Latin '''', which literally translates as 'straight-forward. ...
  4. Language, particularly written language, not intended as poetry; to write or repeat in a dull, tedious, or prosy way
  5. The organization of the written word into paragraph form.
  6. Writing or speaking in the usual or ordinary form. Prose becomes poetic when it takes on rhythm and rhyme. See Poetry
  7. A complete article, story, or essay of less than 2,500 words; or an excerpt from any prose work of less than 1,000 words or 10% of the total work, whichever is less, but, in any event, a minimum of 500 words (may be expanded to permit the completion of an unfinished prose paragraph).
  8. A literary medium that attempts to mirror the language of everyday speech. It is distinguished from poetry by its use of unmetered, unrhymed language consisting of logically related sentences. Prose is usually grouped into paragraphs that form a cohesive whole such as an essay or a novel. ...
  9. Any material that is not written in a regular meter like poetry. Many modern genres such as short stories, novels, letters, essays, and treatises are typically written in prose.
  10. Short for "Oral Interpretation of Prose." For a complete description of this and all other events, see our event descriptions.
  11. Sentiment written as non-rhyming, conversational, as opposed to poetry.
  12. This Latin term means “by yourself” and refers to parties in a legal dispute that represent themselves in court, without legal counsel.
  13. 'straightforward' writing without recourse to the patterned regularity of metred verse. It can encompass speech or description or narrative. (Prose poetry has the ornateness and imagery of poetry but, like prose, has no discernible metre. ...
  14. a party who does not retain a lawyer and appears for him/herself in court
  15. The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam - The Development of Metaphysics in Persia - Ilm Al-Iqtisad
  16. One of the major divisions of genre, prose refers to fiction and nonfiction, including all its forms. In prose the printer determines the length of the line; in poetry, the poet determines the length of the line.
  17. An ordinary form of spoken and written language. It is the language that lacks the special features of poetry.
  18. Regular/ Narrative fiction writing (as opposed to poetry/verse or Non-Fiction.)
  19. Ordinary language, resembling the natural flow of speech. The opposite of poetry.
  20. In its broadest sense the term is applied to all forms of written or spoken expression not having a regular rhythmic pattern.
  21. is a term used to describe writing which is straightforward in nature. It is written in sentence and paragraph form and can be either fiction or non-fiction.
  22. Printed text written in ordinary language.
  23. Basically any writing other than poetry.  Poetry has certain characteristics and techniques used by the writer that make the reader say when they see it in print, "Hey, that is a poem."  Prose is just as recognizable.  Prose is in any novel or essay. ...
  24. Continuous writing which is not verse or dialogue.
  25. anything verbal that isn’t poetry