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propagate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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propagating, present participle; propagated, past participle; propagates, 3rd person singular present; propagated, past tense;
  1. Breed specimens of (a plant, animal, etc.) by natural processes from the parent stock
    • - try propagating your own houseplants from cuttings
  2. (of a plant, animal, etc.) Reproduce in such a way
    • - the plant propagates freely from stem cuttings
  3. Cause (something) to increase in number or amount
    • - operational error includes those errors propagated during the digitizing process
  4. Spread and promote (an idea, theory, knowledge, etc.) widely
    • - the French propagated the idea that the English were violent and gluttonous drunkards
  5. Transmit (motion, light, sound, etc.) in a particular direction or through a medium
    • - electromagnetic effects can be propagated at a finite velocity only through material substances
    • - a propagated electrical signal
  6. (of motion, light, sound, etc.) Be transmitted or travel in such a way
    • - a hydraulic fracture is generally expected to propagate in a vertical plane

  1. transmit from one generation to the next; "propagate these characteristics"
  2. travel through the air; "sound and light propagate in this medium"
  3. spread: become distributed or widespread; "the infection spread"; "Optimism spread among the population"
  4. transmit or cause to broaden or spread; "This great civilization was propagated throughout the land"
  5. circulate: cause to become widely known; "spread information"; "circulate a rumor"; "broadcast the news"
  6. cause to propagate, as by grafting or layering
  7. (Propagating) Plant propagation is the process of artificially or naturally distributing plants.
  8. (Propagation (album)) Propagation (1994) is an album by the American ambient musician Robert Rich. This album is an expression of Rich’s interest in biology and is a tribute to the proliferation of organic life in all its forms. ...
  9. (propagating) reproducing; disseminating; increasing; extending
  10. (Propagation) means of multiplying plants from parent stock
  11. (Propagation) The process where name servers throughout the Internet add new domains and remove expired ones from their records. This can be a lengthy process,     which is why connecting to a new domain name can often take three or four days.
  12. (propagation (in polymer growth)) The irreversible repetitive addition of monomers to the growing chain.
  13. (propagation) the process of how a radio signal travels from a transmitting station to a receiving station
  14. (propagation) the continuous successive chain extension in a polymer chain reaction.
  15. (Propagation) The process of updating a domain across the world's Internet servers. Propagation can take between three to five days.
  16. (Propagation) The increase of plants, either by seeds or by means of cuttings, division, grafting or layering.
  17. (propagation) the movement of a message from one point to another along a network (see transmission); propagation speed is the speed at which the signals travel, usually about 2/3 of the speed of light.
  18. (Propagation) Regeneration of new plants by means other than seed, e.g. by rooting cuttings.
  19. (Propagation) Increase or spread by natural reproduction.
  20. (Propagation) Refers to the reproduction of a plant, whether by seed (sexual) or asexually via the use of vegetative structures such as bud wood (wood containing one or more buds) to propagate plant material; wine grapes are vegetatively propagated to maintain varietal identity.
  21. (PROPAGATION) (Please first read about IP’s and domains if you are not already familiar with those terms). ...
  22. (PROPAGATION) In gardening usage, this refers to the many different ways of starting new plants.
  23. (PROPAGATION) When an IP is changed because you have started up a new website or moved your website from one hosting company to another, every nameserver across the entire internet globally has to update its records to know where to find you. ...
  24. (Propagation) Delay time required for an electrical wave to travel between two points on a transmission line.
  25. (Propagation) In chemical terms, a propagation step is any step but the first, initial step, in a chain reaction (a series of chemical reactions in which the first reaction causes the second which causes the third, which causes the fourth, etc). [Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM. ...