- the manner in which someone utters a word; "they are always correcting my pronunciation"
- the way a word or a language is customarily spoken; "the pronunciation of Chinese is difficult for foreigners"; "that is the correct pronunciation"
- The standard way in which a word is made to sound when spoken; The way in which the words of a language are made to sound when speaking
- (Pronunciations) 70,000 phonetic transcriptions.
- (Pronunciations) it allows you to listen to the word with recordings from some other dictionaries or recordings by the users.
- Historically, Ashkenazic Jews have had a somewhat different pronunciation of certain Hebrew letters than Sephardic Jews; however, the Sephardic pronunciation is becoming predominant because it is the one used in Israel. See Hebrew Alphabet.
- show the pronunciation information of each word in the given text or web URL above each word (only IE browser supports this "Ruby" extension)
- Basic rules for determining the prounciation of Hebrew words.
- Some letter sounds found in Yiddish are unknown in English, so letter combinations must be used to represent these sounds. The most common of these is the "ch" or "kh" sound found in German and Hebrew. Pronounce this like "Bach" (the composer) or "loch" (a lake in Scotland), not like child. ...
- Another important service the dictionary provides concerns pronunciation. Immediately after the entry word is information, usually in parenthesis, sometimes between slashes (/). For mill, it looks like this
- Generally Quechua words are stressed on the second to last syllable. The pronunciation of the letters is similar to how it is done in Spanish (written Quechua is essentially an attempt to recreate the sounds phonetically in Spanish). You will notice the use of apostrophes, as in paq'o or k'intu. ...
- There's a brief guide to pronunciation at the bottom of every other page in most desk dictionaries as well as a complete guide elsewhere, sometimes inside the front or back cover and always in the users'guide. ...
- [phonetics,phonology] A collective reference to the manner in which sounds are articulated in a particular language. Given its concrete nature pronunciation is a matter of phonetics rather than phonology.
- The pronunciation guide tells you how the word should sound when spoken. Point out that dictionaries have pronunciation keys that help you read the phonetic spellings. Also point out that the Word Wizard Dictionary allows you to hear the pronunciation, as well as reading the phonetic respelling. ...
- The way you speak words, particularly referring to making the correct speech sounds.
- shows how the word should be pronounced using the amasaku.
- Americans pronounce T's differently to Britons, often changing T sounds into softer D sounds between two vowels. More precisely, in American English, when either a 't' sound or a 'd' sound occurs between two vowels, it changes to a flap, similar to the 'r' in Spanish 'pero'. ...
- covers basic sounds, pronunciation of words, sentence stress, connected speech, intonation, etc.
- how to say the word. This appears in gray inside square brackets immediately after the headword. Japanese words have both kana and romanized pronunciation; English words use IPA.
- SAY. For a QuickTime movie of this sign, see ASL browser - pronunciation.
- ability to recognise and reproduce items in speech.
- The action of speaking or articulating.
- the combining of precisely articulated speech sounds into distinct words
- TOO-ber OR TYOO-ber and KORM
- An area of language change.