- a function word that is used in place of a noun or noun phrase
- In linguistics and grammar, a pronoun (Lat: pronomen) is a pro-form that substitutes for a noun (or noun phrase) with or without a determiner, such as ' and ' in English. The replaced phrase is called the antecedent of the pronoun.
- A type of noun that refers anaphorically to another noun or noun phrase, but which cannot ordinarily be preceded by a determiner and rarely takes an attributive adjective. English examples include I, you, him, who, me, my, each other
- (2) PRONOUNS) when used alone pronouns express subjects (amin mela lle - I love you) * when used in possessive phrases they express possession (melamin - my love) I (my,mine) we, us (ours) he she it (its) you (yours) you(p) (yours-p) amin lye ro re ta lle llie him (his) her (hers) they them ( ...
- (Pronouns (Les pronoms)) They are very important words which stitch sentences together showing who is doing what to whom. There are several types of these:
- (Pronouns) are noun-substitutes.They are inflected for person (First,Second, Third), number (singular and plural) and case (nominative, genetive I (preposed), genetive 2 (postposed), oblique. They can be personal, demonstrative and relative. ...
- (Pronouns) are very much like nouns in that they function the same way except that they are meant to substitute for a particular noun. Let us say that we had a tree. We don't have to say the tree is big, but we rather can say that it is big. ...
- (Pronouns) are words that can take the place of nouns, for example I, he, her, mine, they etc
- (pronouns) watakushi (formal "I"), watashi (standard "I"), atashi (young woman's "I"), ore (informal men's "I"), boku ("I" for kids or when you're being submissive), sessha ("this unworthy one"), washi (used by old people) anata (formal "you", or "beloved" if used between a married couple), kimi ...
- Pronouns are generally unnecessary in Italian unless required to disambiguate the meaning of a sentence. Usually, the verb ending provides information about the subject.
- A word like I, me, you, he, him, it etc. A pronoun replaces a noun.
- Pronouns such as he and them differ from Nouns in that they refer to different things on different occasions: She likes it can refer to any female being liking anything; Helen likes Coltrane only to a specific person liking a specific object. ...
- n. A noun that has lost it's amateur status.
- A pronoun is a word that refers to a person or a thing that has already talked about. It is a kind of noun, but its function is different from nouns in English. What a pronoun actually means depends on context. Me and yourself are pronouns.
- A linguistic term for a word which substitutes for a noun such as "you", "she", "it".
- The word pronoun is composed of the two morphemes -- namely pro (meaning 'on behalf of') and noun: hence, a pronoun is traditionally said to be a word used in place of a noun expression. Pronouns differ from nouns in that they have no intrinsic descriptive content, and so are functors. ...
- antecedent agreement is when the pronoun agrees in number (referring to singular or plural) and person (referring to first, second, or third person) with its antecedent.
- a word, such as he, we, hers, us, you, or they, that is used instead of a noun to indicate someone or something that has already been mentioned, especially to avoid repeating the noun again.
- These are words that take the place of nouns. So instead of saying My son is smart, if it's understood who you're talking about, you can say He is smart.
- A noun-like word that stands in for a noun. In languages that have them, and not all do, pronouns are a valuable, short-hand resource for referring to people or things. In English, the pronoun he can represent the man, that boy, the driver, etc. Chapter 4.
- A word that stands in for (pro) a noun. Like this: Everybody knows Betty. She's very popular.
- declinable word, companion or substitute of a substantive.
- A pronoun is a symbol that represents a noun without naming it. He, She, It, Him, Her, They, Me, you, are all examples of the pronoun. ASL pronouns have no gender
- One of the traditional parts of speech; an item, usually of rather vague reference, which can be used in substitution for a more precise full noun (eg él for Juan). The main categories of pronouns are personal, demonstrative, indefinite, possessive, interrogative.
- a word which you use instead of a noun, when you do not need or want to name someone or something directly; EG it, you. none.