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prolog 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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A high-level computer programming language first devised for artificial intelligence applications,
  1. A high-level computer programming language first devised for artificial intelligence applications

  1. a computer language designed in Europe to support natural language processing
  2. Prolog is a general purpose logic programming language associated with artificial intelligence and computational linguistics.
  3. Prolog++ is an object-oriented toolkit for the Prolog logic programming language. It allows classes and class hierarchies to be created within Prolog programs.
  4. Prolog (Livno) is a village in the municipality of Livno, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  5. (n.) a language for logic programming.
  6. the opening part of a document, containing the XML declaration and any document type declarations or markup declarations needed to process the document.
  7. b . The optional beginning portion of an XML document prior to the document's content.
  8. A programming language with a strongly declarative style, which is based on predicate calculus. See also Resolution.
  9. A declarative language often used to develop expert systems.
  10. Precursor to EPILOG [study]; programming in logic
  11. is an abstract block. It does not correspond to any visible part of the application.