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proliferate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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proliferated, past participle; proliferates, 3rd person singular present; proliferating, present participle; proliferated, past tense;
  1. Increase rapidly in numbers; multiply
    • - the science-fiction magazines which proliferated in the 1920s
  2. (of a cell, structure, or organism) Reproduce rapidly
    • - the Mediterranean faces an ecological disaster if the seaweed continues to proliferate at its present rate
  3. Cause (cells, tissue, structures, etc.) to reproduce rapidly
    • - electromagnetic radiation can only proliferate cancers already present
  4. Produce (something) in large or increasing quantities
    • - the promise of new technology proliferating options on every hand

  1. grow rapidly; "Pizza parlors proliferate in this area"
  2. cause to grow or increase rapidly; "We must not proliferate nuclear arms"
  3. (proliferation) growth by the rapid multiplication of parts
  4. (proliferation) a rapid increase in number (especially a rapid increase in the number of deadly weapons); "the proliferation of nuclear weapons"
  5. To increase in number or spread rapidly
  6. (proliferation) The process by which an organism produces others of its kind; breeding, propagation, procreation, reproduction; The act of increasing or rising; augmentation, amplification, enlargement, escalation, aggrandizement; The result of building up; buildup, accretion; The spread of ...
  7. (proliferating) producing offshoots or outgrowths, successively developing new parts.
  8. (Proliferation) Expansion of cells by the continuous division of single cells into two identical daughter cells.∗
  9. (Proliferation) The spread of nuclear weapon materials and/or technologies.
  10. (PROLIFERATION) In order to prevent the "proliferation" of spirituous liquor licenses, the Department may protest, and the BOARD may deny a license to a business on the grounds that such business is inappropriate for the sale of spirituous liquor. ...
  11. (Proliferation) (pro-lif-fer-AY-shun) -- Bearing offsets.
  12. (Proliferation) A leafy shoot which forms at a node or bract on a daylily scape (stem). These leafy shoots can be rooted to produce an exact clone of the mother plant.
  13. (Proliferation) In this phase, the trend spreads to casual dining chains and the QSR segment, which have monitored its movement through the Adoption phase to verify its potential appeal. ...
  14. (Proliferation) When a line of cells grows because cells continuously divide. Each single cell can divide into two exact copies. Each of those copies can divide into two more, and so on.
  15. (Prolifération) 1968 or 1969 (rev 1976); ondes M, piano, percussion. Ms. RCI 358/4-ACM 36 (SMCQ).
  16. (proliferation) (L. proles, offspring + ferre, to bear)  Increase by frequent and repeated reproduction; growth by cell division.
  17. (proliferation) A rapid and repeated production of new cells, tissues, or organs; specifically, a hyperplastic symptom of plant disease in which organs continue to develop after they have reached the point beyond which they normally do not grow. (20)
  18. In medicine, proliferation means the propagation and growth of tissue through cell division.
  19. an increase in cell number by the process of cell division. Carefully regulated in normal cells but improperly controlled in cancer cells.
  20. (v) - to grow, to increase swiftly. proliferation (n)
  21. To grow by cell production.
  22. to grow or multiply by rapidly producing new tissue, parts, cells, buds, or offspring.