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proffer 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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proffers, 3rd person singular present; proffered, past participle; proffering, present participle; proffered, past tense;
  1. Hold out (something) to someone for acceptance; offer
    • - he proffered his resignation
  1. An offer or proposal

  1. suggestion: a proposal offered for acceptance or rejection; "it was a suggestion we couldn't refuse"
  2. The word proffer is derived from Anglo-French "por-", forth, and offrir, to offer. The act of proffering involves making an offer prior to any formal negotiations.
  3. An offer made; something proposed for acceptance by another; a tender; as, proffers of peace or friendship; Essay; attempt; To offer for acceptance; to propose to give; to make a tender of; as, to proffer a gift; to proffer services; to proffer friendship; To essay or attempt of one's own accord ...
  4. A written condition, which, when offered voluntarily by a property owner and accepted by the Board of Supervisors in a rezoning action, becomes a legally binding condition which is in addition to the zoning district regulations applicable to a specific property. ...
  5. To offer or tender, as, the production of a document and offer of the same in evidence.