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procure 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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procures, 3rd person singular present; procured, past participle; procuring, present participle; procured, past tense;
  1. Obtain (something), esp. with care or effort
    • - food procured for the rebels
    • - he persuaded a friend to procure him a ticket
  2. Obtain (someone) as a prostitute for another person
    • - he was charged with procuring a minor
  3. Persuade or cause (someone) to do something
    • - he procured his wife to sign the agreement

  1. get by special effort; "He procured extra cigarettes even though they were rationed"
  2. pander: arrange for sexual partners for others
  3. (procurement) the act of getting possession of something; "he was responsible for the procurement of materials and supplies"
  4. Procurement is the acquisition of appropriate goods and/or services at the best possible total cost of ownership to meet the needs of the purchaser in terms of quality and quantity, time, and location. ...
  5. To acquire or obtain an item or service, sometimes rare, usually by extra effort; To obtain a person as a prostitute for somebody else; To induce or persuade someone to do something
  6. (procurement) The purchasing department of a company; The act of procuring or obtaining; obtainment; attainment; Efficient contrivance; management; agency
  7. (Procurement) buying, purchasing, renting, leasing or otherwise acquiring any supplies, services or constructions.
  8. (Procurement) The government purchasing process, generally referring to advertising, soliciting, specifying, selecting, and awarding purchase contracts through a competitive bidding process. E-procurement is generally considered the electronic and internet-based version of this.
  9. (procurement) The process of obtaining personnel, services, supplies, and equipment (DOD JP 1994).
  10. (Procurement) organizational function that includes specifications development, value analysis, supplier market research, negotiations, buying activities, contract administration, inventory control, traffic, receiving and stores.
  11. (Procurement) The surgical procedure of removing a donated organ or tissue.(top)
  12. Procurement is the whole process of buying goods and services, from initial advertising through to appropriate contracting arrangements (Source: NCVO)
  13. (Procurement) To ensure the availability of products and/or services in a timely and detailed manner.
  14. (Procurement) All activities related to purchasing policy definition, purchasing and follow up of purchasing actions.
  15. (Procurement) The processes required to acquire goods and services.
  16. (Procurement) the purchase, setup and installation of hardware and software
  17. ((e-)Procurement) A Knowledge Management system can institutionalize best practices, training materials, and organizational policies for quick and easy access.
  18. (PROCUREMENT) A service offered by Heritage Global Partners in which our staff and sector experts work on-site either on a temporary or permanent basis to help management in real time with redeployment, as well as sales and procurement of quality used replacement tools and parts.
  19. (PROCUREMENT) The act of purchasing a pharmaceutical by a public authority. [Source: OECD. A System of Health Accounts] Pharmaceutical procurement is a complex process that involves many steps and many stakeholders. ...
  20. (Procurement) A new contract of any value above $2,500, including work assignments, delivery orders, task orders, GSA schedules, purchase orders, and other ordering mechanisms.
  21. (Procurement) Additionally, a Data Dictionary ... OMB is considering the previously listed 11 data elements for reports on first-tier sub-awards. Comments on these data elements will be ...
  22. (Procurement) Procure and/or replenish purchased or in-kind materials and supplies required for DRO.
  23. (Procurement) Same meaning as purchase.
  24. (Procurement) Set of policies and procedures involved in the acquisition of software or hardware assets or configuration items. This activity covers requisition, approval, purchasing, invoice processing, delivery and receipt.
  25. (Procurement) Some organisations have recognised that can also drive down the cost of procurement, by utilising delivery vehicles to collect goods and products from suppliers on the return journeys back to their factories and warehouses. ...