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procreate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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procreates, 3rd person singular present; procreated, past tense; procreated, past participle; procreating, present participle;
  1. (of people or animals) Produce young; reproduce
    • - species that procreate by copulation

  1. reproduce: have offspring or produce more individuals of a given animal or plant; "The Bible tells people to procreate"
  2. (procreation) reproduction: the sexual activity of conceiving and bearing offspring
  3. Reproduction is the biological process by which new "offspring" individual organisms are produced from their "parents". Reproduction is a fundamental feature of all known life; each individual organism exists as the result of reproduction. ...
  4. To beget or conceive (offspring); To originate, create or produce something; To reproduce
  5. (Procreation) Provide protection and support for mother and children, so your offspring will survive and continue the human race (and inherit your goodies when you die).
  6. (Procreation) Reproduction: conceiving and bearing babies. Among most opposite-sex couples, this is normally done through sexual intercourse. Among same-sex couples and infertile opposite-sex couples, this typically involves in-vitro fertilization or artificial insemination.
  7. (Procreation) The irony that the least creative people retain the ability to create the greatest art.
  8. (procreation) The process of having and raising children.