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prim 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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primmer, comparative; primmest, superlative;
  1. Stiffly formal and respectable; feeling or showing disapproval of anything regarded as improper
    • - a very prim and proper lady
  1. Purse (the mouth or lips) into a prim expression
    • - Larry primmed up his mouth

  1. assume a prim appearance; "They mince and prim"
  2. dainty: affectedly dainty or refined
  3. contract one's lips; "She primmed her lips after every bite of food"
  4. priggish: exaggeratedly proper; "my straitlaced Aunt Anna doesn't approve of my miniskirts"
  5. dress primly
  6. (primly) in a prissy manner; "the new teacher alienates the children by behaving prissily"
  7. The Prims is a 91 km long river in western Germany, right tributary of the Saar River. It rises in the Hunsrück mountains, near the village Malborn. It flows generally south through the towns Nonnweiler, Wadern and Schmelz. It flows into the Saar in Dillingen.
  8. To make affectedly precise or proper; prudish, overly correct in behaviour, straight-laced
  9. The building-blocks of all objects and avatars in SL. Short for "primitive," a prim is a geometrical shape than can covered with a texture (see below), linked to other prims, and scripted.
  10. Abbreviation for Primitive, a basic shape used in certain worlds for building.
  11. (noun) - Fundamental building blocks which are comprise the basis of all in-world creations. Originally rezzed (see below) as a primary shape such as a cube, cylinder, or sphere, a prim can have its form altered, its surface textured, and its physical composition changed in an infinite number of ...
  12. a virtual solid object of any shape, used as a building block in Second Life (an abbreviation of the word ‘primitive’, which is part of the lexicon used in geometry)
  13. The basic "building block" of physical objects (as opposed to avatars) in SL.
  14. Primitive.  The building blocks of objects in-world.  Objects can consist of one prim, or several joined together to make one object.  For example a tree may consist of one prim for the trunk, another for one branch, another for another branch and so on. ...