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prickle 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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prickles, plural;
  1. (of a person's skin or a part of the body) Experience a tingling sensation, esp. as a result of strong emotion
    • - the sound made her skin prickle with horror
  2. Cause a tingling or mildly painful sensation in
    • - I hate the way the fibers prickle your skin
  3. (of a person) React defensively or angrily to something
    • - she prickled at the implication that she had led a soft and protected life
  1. A short, slender, sharp-pointed outgrowth on the bark or epidermis of a plant; a small thorn
    • - the prickles of the blackberry bushes
  2. A small spine or pointed outgrowth on the skin of certain animals

  3. A tingling sensation on someone's skin, typically caused by strong emotion
    • - Kathleen felt a prickle of excitement

  1. cause a prickling sensation
  2. spine: a small sharp-pointed tip resembling a spike on a stem or leaf
  3. make a small hole into, as with a needle or a thorn; "The nurse pricked my finger to get a small blood sample"
  4. (prickling) a somatic sensation as from many tiny prickles
  5. Thorns, spines, and prickles are types of structures that appear in plants which have a similar appearance and function, but which are derived from different plant organs. ...
  6. Gumby is a green clay humanoid figure who was the subject of a 233-episode series of American television which spanned over a 35-year period. He was animated using stop motion clay animation.
  7. The first prickle protein was identified in Drosophila as a planar cell polarity protein. Vertebrate prickle-1 was first found as a rat protein that binds to a transcription factor, neuron-restrictive silencer factor (NRSF). ...
  8. A small, sharp pointed object, such as a thorn; A tingling sensation of mild discomfort; To feel a prickle; To cause someone to feel a prickle
  9. (prickles) are from the epidermis; surface features like in roses
  10. (prickling) picotement / fourmillement
  11. Presence of tiny natural bubbles in some young wines.
  12. Sharp-pointed, stiff or somewhat flexible projection, originating at the epidermis, derived from epidermal cells and therefore neither subtending an axillary bud or branch nor subtended by a leaf or leaf scar, without leaves, leaf scars, buds, or branches; loosely used for any sharp projection. ...
  13. A small, spikelike outgrowth of the epidermis.
  14. small,sharp-pointed outgrowth of plant surface.
  15. A delicate taste sensation derived from small amounts of residual carbon dioxide in "still" wines as opposed to the mouse of a sparkling wine.
  16. An excrescence of bark that is small, weak, and spine-like.
  17. Spine-like superficial outgrowth of the stem; roses technically have prickles, not thorns