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pretension 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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pretensions, plural;
  1. Apply tension to (an object) before some other process or event
    • - the safety system pretensions the seat belts
  2. Strengthen (reinforced concrete) by applying tension to the reinforcing rods before the concrete has set

  1. A claim or the assertion of a claim to something
    • - their pretensions to culture
    • - we cannot tolerate pretension to infallibility
  2. An aspiration or claim to a certain status or quality
    • - another aging rocker with literary pretensions
  3. The use of affectation to impress; ostentatiousness
    • - he spoke simply, without pretension

  1. a false or unsupportable quality
  2. the advancing of a claim; "his pretension to the crown"; "the town still puts forward pretensions as a famous resort"
  3. pretentiousness: the quality of being pretentious (behaving or speaking in such a manner as to create a false appearance of great importance or worth)
  4. A claim or aspiration to a particular status or quality; Pretentiousness
  5. A user defined force in tensile testing that is applied to the specimen before any measurements begin.
  6. Arms of Pretension. [See under ARMS.]