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prejudiced 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Having or showing a dislike or distrust that is derived from prejudice; bigoted,
  1. Having or showing a dislike or distrust that is derived from prejudice; bigoted
    • - people are prejudiced against us
    • - prejudiced views

  1. emanating from a person's emotions and prejudices
  2. being biased or having a belief or attitude formed beforehand; "a prejudiced judge"
  3. disadvantage by prejudice
  4. (prejudice) bias: a partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situation
  5. (prejudice) influence (somebody's) opinion in advance
  6. A prejudice is a prejudgment: i.e. an assumption made about someone or something before having adequate knowledge to be able to do so with guaranteed accuracy. ...
  7. Having prejudices
  8. (prejudice) An adverse judgement or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge of the facts; Any preconceived opinion or feeling, whether positive or negative; An irrational hostile attitude, fear or hatred towards a particular group, race or religion; The damage caused by such fear or ...
  9. (Prejudice) is a positive or negative attitude toward a person or group, formed without just grounds or sufficient knowledge--will not be likely to change in spite of new evidence or contrary argument. Prejudice is an attitude.
  10. (Prejudice) preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience; dislike, hostility, or unjust behavior formed on such a bias
  11. (Prejudice) A judgment or opinion formed before the facts are known. In most cases, these opinions are founded on suspicion, intolerance, and the irrational hatred of other races, religions, creeds, or nationalities.
  12. (Prejudice) Prejudging others using positive or negative attitudes based on stereotypes rather than information about a specific individual. [IRW] To make a judgment about an individual or group of individuals on the basis of their social, physical or cultural characteristics. ...
  13. (prejudice) preconceived preference or idea; bias
  14. (Prejudice) Hatred of a particular group, race, or religion.
  15. Prejudice is an opinion or feeling someone has which is usually negative about a group (e.g. racial, religious, national) but is often formed with no experience, knowledge or reason. ...
  16. (prejudice) a learned negative attitude, comprised of negative affective and stereotypes towards a person or group. Behavioural manifestation is labelled 'discrimination'
  17. (prejudice) A predetermined judgment (based on faulty interpretation) made using wrong or distorted facts. This attitude, usually negative, is directed toward a person or group of people. Prejudiced thinking may result in acts of discrimination.
  18. (prejudice) Where a manager demonstrates a positive or negative bias.
  19. (PREJUDICE) Bias for or against someone or something that fails to take true account of their characteristics.
  20. (3. Prejudice) This type of stigma originates when one group perceives characteristics of race, religion, or culture of another group as inadequate compared to their socially constructed norm (Lubkin & Larsen, 2006).
  21. (PREJUDICE) Inequality, Intolerance, Repression, Snobbery, Unfairness.
  22. (Prejudice) "To prepossess with an opinion; to give a bias or bent to, influence the mind or judgement of beforehand (often unfairly)" (OED). ...
  23. (Prejudice) A forejudgment; bias; partiality; preconceived opinion. A leaning toward one side of a cause for some reason other than a conviction of its justice.
  24. (Prejudice) A frame of mind that tends to prejudge a person, or a group, unfavourably, by attributing to every member or a group characteristic falsely attributed to the group as a whole. ...
  25. (Prejudice) A hostile opinion about a person or class of persons. Prejudice is socially learned and is grounded in misconceptions, misunderstanding, and inflexible generalizations.