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prefigure 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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prefigured, past participle; prefigured, past tense; prefigures, 3rd person singular present; prefiguring, present participle;
  1. Be an early indication or version of (something)
    • - the Hussite movement prefigured the Reformation
  2. Imagine beforehand
    • - she had prefigured her small pilgrimage as made in solitude

  1. imagine or consider beforehand; "It wasn't as bad as I had prefigured"
  2. bode: indicate by signs; "These signs bode bad news"
  3. (prefiguration) an example that prefigures or foreshadows what is to come
  4. (prefiguration) the act of providing vague advance indications; representing beforehand
  5. To show or suggest ahead of time; to represent beforehand; To predict or foresee