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preexist 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Exist at or from an earlier time,
  1. Exist at or from an earlier time
    • - a preexisting contractual obligation
  2. Exist at or from an earlier time than (something)
    • - demons who preexisted the Great Flood

  1. exist beforehand or prior to a certain point in time; "Did this condition pre-exist?"
  2. (preexisting) preexistent: existing previously or before something; "variations on pre-existent musical themes"
  3. (Preexistence) Belief that the personality or soul exists prior to birth. [Also see "Reincarnation" for more info.]
  4. (pre-existence) Also called "pre-mortal existence." Mormons believe that humans existed individually before birth into this life, first as "intelligences", and then as "spirit children" of God and one of his wives. ...
  5. (Pre-existence) an unnoted factor in creation.
  6. (Pre-existing) In existence prior to the effective date of this code.
  7. (Pre-existing) a condition you had prior to taking the policy