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precancel 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. A precanceled stamp, or precancel for short, is a postage stamp that has been cancelled before being affixed to mail. ...
  2. (Precancels) Stamps canceled prior to the mailing of a letter. U.S. precancels often consist of a city and state name between two black lines and are used primarily by bulk mailers who do some of the sorting of mail themselves. ...
  3. (Precancels) Stamps cancelled by a proper authority prior to their  use on mail.
  4. (Precancels) machine-printed cancellations applied by authority to save time in handling large blocks of mail, as stamps so treated normally do not require or receive further cancellation. The pre-cancellation usually consists of two (or three) groups of horizontal black double lines. ...
  5. A postmark which cancels the stamp prior to use in situations where there is bulk mail such as in commercial mail.
  6. Stamps or stationery issued by the Post Office with words or lines printed thereon which prevent further use of the stamp. Precancelled stamps need not be cancelled again during mail handling. The standard first day postmarks, however, are applied to FDCs of precancels. [Back to top]
  7. Stamp with a special overprint cancellation allowing it to bypass normal canceling. In some cases the precancel also designates a specific mail-handling service, such as "Presorted First-Class." Other precancels may include the city and state of the issuing post office. ...
  8. Stamp with a special cancellation or overprint and which was applied before the stamp is used on mail. This bypasses normal cancelling and saves much time when large numbers of mail are being used.
  9. Stamp with the postmark applied before the actual mailing of the article it pre-pays.