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postdate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Affix or assign a date later than the actual one to (a document or event),
  1. Affix or assign a date later than the actual one to (a document or event)
    • - a postdated check
  2. Occur or come at a later date than
    • - Stonehenge was presumed to postdate these structures

  1. be later in time; "Tuesday always follows Monday"
  2. establish something as being later relative to something else
  3. In banking, postdated refers to checks which have been written by the drawer for a date in the future. In the United States postdated items are described in Article 3, Section 113 of the Uniform Commercial Code. Postdated checks are often used in conjunction with payday loans.
  4. To occur after an event or time; to exist later on in time; To assign an effective date to a document or action later than the actual date
  5. (Post-dates) A pregnancy term past 42 weeks. Some providers may also call shorter terms 'post-dates'
  6. (Post-dates) Gestation longer than approximately 40 weeks. Up to 42 weeks may still be still considered normal.
  7. to put a future date on a legal document to delay payment
  8. to put a later date on a document or check than the date when it is signed, with the effect that it is not valid until the later date.
  9. A quality comparison between rival Evidence where newer, more recently published, Evidence is generally considered better because it is better able to account for the present state of the world, having the benefit of the most recent information, and discoveries.
  10. To designate a written instrument, such as a check, with a time or date later than that at which it is really made.