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porpoise 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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porpoises, plural;
  1. Move through the water like a porpoise, alternately rising above it and submerging
    • - the boat began to porpoise badly
  1. A small toothed whale with a low triangular dorsal fin and a blunt rounded snout

  1. any of several small gregarious cetacean mammals having a blunt snout and many teeth
  2. Porpoises (also called mereswine) are small cetaceans of the family Phocoenidae; they are related to whales and dolphins. They are distinct from dolphins, although the word "porpoise" has been used to refer to any small dolphin, especially by sailors and fishermen. ...
  3. Porpoise is a tradename for scuba developed by Ted Eldred in Australia and made there from the late 1940s onwards. It included: This rebreather was developed by Ted Eldred in the late 1940s and early 1950s. Some were made and used for sport diving, but they did not go into full production. ...
  4. (Porpoising) Ground effect is term applied to a series of aerodynamic effects used in car design, which has been exploited to create downforce, particularly in racing cars. This has been the successor to the earlier dominant aerodynamic theory of streamlining. ...
  5. (Porpoising) A term used to describe the up and down movement of an RV when traveling.
  6. (Porpoising) An undesirable condition in which the racecar is bouncing up and down due to improper setup.
  7. (Porpoising) Pitch oscillations upward and down due to improper center of gravity or control surface trim.
  8. (Porpoising) The action, when rolling down the highway where the hitch area "porpoises", bouncing up and down on uneven pavement. A bit more common in truck and trailer combinations. Can still occur with motorhomes as well, with the rig rocking front to rear. Rather unsettling. ...
  9. (Porpoising) when an animal moves in and out of the water in a series of high speed leaps, much like a porpoise. Dolphins, whales, seals, and even penguins have been observed porpoising.
  10. To see a porpoise in your dreams, denotes enemies are thrusting your interest aside, through your own inability to keep people interested in you.
  11. A move starting on the back, with a Front Somersault, landing again on the back; more commonly known as a "Bounce-Roll", and less commonly as a "Dolphin".
  12. a toothed sea mammal that is often confused with the bottle-nose dolphin.  Both the porpoise and the bottle-nose dolphin are of the Class: Mammalia, Order: Cetacea, and Family: Odontoceti.  However, porpoises have a shorter, stubby nose, in contrast to the dolphin's more elongated snout. ...
  13. Pity the ex-mariner, now without any porpoise in life.
  14. any of certain toothed cetaceans having a blunt or rounded snout; derived from sea hog or hog fish; compare dolphin. Also, to leap clear of the water, as when a speeding boat hits a wave and leaves the surface.
  15. front somi from back to back