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populate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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populated, past participle; populates, 3rd person singular present; populating, present participle; populated, past tense;
  1. Form the population of (a town, area, or country)
    • - the island is populated by scarcely 40,000 people
    • - a densely populated area
  2. Fill or be present in (a place, environment, or domain)
    • - the spirit of the book and the characters who populate its pages
  3. Cause people to settle in (an area or place)
    • - Finland pursues a policy designed to populate its Russian borders
  4. Add data to a previously empty section of (an electronic form, document, etc.)
    • - use scripts to populate the graph with data

  1. inhabit or live in; be an inhabitant of; "People lived in Africa millions of years ago"; "The people inhabited the islands that are now deserted"; "this kind of fish dwells near the bottom of the ocean"; "deer are populating the woods"
  2. fill with inhabitants; "populate the forest with deer and wild boar for hunting"
  3. A population is all the organisms that both belong to the same species and live in the same geographical area. ...
  4. To supply with inhabitants; to people; To live in; to inhabit; To fill initially empty items in a collection
  5. (populated) When many people live in one place.
  6. (populated) having living things in a place or area
  7. (Populating (a database)) Adding entries to a database or filling in gaps.
  8. To add content in the form of attribute values to an existing framework. Such frameworks include the database, table and form.
  9. as a verb, means the process of populating a geographic area, as by procreation or immigration.
  10. To put information in an input field. Auto Populate is when Best 4 Diabetes puts information in a text field for you. You can later change the information that was Auto Populated.
  11. To fill a memory socket, either with a true module or with something that completes the circuit, such as a C-RIMM. An empty socket is referred to as unpopulated.
  12. To add object types, objects, or metadata to the Information Catalog |Center.
  13. To add data to a table or other object.
  14. (v) caşarģa, köçürürgе