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poop 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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poops, plural;
  1. Defecate

  1. A stupid or ineffectual person

  1. crap: obscene terms for feces
  2. nincompoop: a stupid foolish person
  3. dope: slang terms for inside information; "is that the straight dope?"
  4. stern: the rear part of a ship
  5. Puppis is a constellation in the southern sky. Its name is the Latin word for the poop deck of a ship, and Puppis represents the deck of the ship and its deckhouses. ...
  6. (Pooping) Defecation is the final act of digestion by which organisms eliminate solid, semisolid or liquid waste material (feces) from the digestive tract via the anus. ...
  7. The stern of a ship; To break seawater with the poop of a vessel, especially the poop deck; To ship over the stern
  8. (pooped) Tired; exhausted; having had a wave come over the stern from abaft
  9. (Pooped) 1. Swamped by a high, following sea. 2. Exhausted.
  10. (Pooped) (poopt)  v. past participle.  Out of breath, exhausted.  “I was pooped after the long hike.”  [Etym., 60’s youth culture]
  11. (Pooping) A Ship is said to be pooped, when she is struck by a heavy Sea, on the Stern or Quarter.
  12. (Pooping) Said of a vessel, or of the sea, when following seas sweep inboard from astern.
  13. (Pooping) Sitting back on the skis, while bent at the waist.
  14. The raised part of a vessel at her extreme after end. To be pooped is when running before the wind a sea breaks in over the stern.
  15. The highest and aftermost deck of a ship.
  16. A partial deck above the main deck located aft.
  17. A superstructure fitted at the after end of the upper deck of a ship
  18. excrement from an animal or a human being.
  19. The highest part of the vessel’s hull, forming a cabin over the quarter deck.
  20. Aft part of a vessel where the steering engine is located.
  21. this is the name that Sara Poiron gives to individuals and organizations she has decided that she hates. Since there is a constant stream of such individuals and organizations, and they can't all be called Poop at once, exactly what Poop is at any one time depends on who is receiving her wrath. ...
  22. is the feces created by Senbei while on the road with no toilet around.
  23. obsolete: stern of a ship; an enclosed superstructure at the stern of a ship above the main deck.
  24. Stuff your body excretes.