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pomade 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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pomades, plural;
  1. Apply pomade to

  1. A scented ointment applied to the hair or scalp

  1. apply pomade to (hair)
  2. hairdressing consisting of a perfumed oil or ointment
  3. Pomade (also called pomatum) is a greasy or waxy substance that is used to style hair. Pomade makes hair look slick and shiny. Unlike hair spray and hair gel, pomade does not dry and often takes several washes to remove. ...
  4. a scented ointment or powder used on hair or wigs
  5. A styling product applied to dry hair for added texture, definition and shine. Unlike hairspray and gel, pomade does not harden or dry. It remains pliable for continuous styling all day long. Be careful not to use too much of this product, as this can result in a greasy look. ...
  6. Pomades tame curly hair by texturizing, separating and adding shine. Use on any hair type except very fine hair as pomade can weigh it down. To apply, swipe one finger into a pomade, rub it onto palms and fingers, distribute through hair.
  7. A fragrant mass of solid fat created from the enfleurage process, in which odorous compounds in raw materials are adsorbed into animal fats. Pommades are found in the form of an oily and sticky solid.
  8. a prepared aromatic substance usually obtained by enfleurage
  9. Perfumed fat obtained as a result of enfleurage.