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polygraph 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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polygraphs, plural;
  1. A machine designed to detect and record changes in physiological characteristics, such as a person's pulse and breathing rates, used esp. as a lie detector

  2. A lie-detector test carried out with a machine of this type

  1. a medical instrument that records several physiological processes simultaneously (e.g., pulse rate and blood pressure and respiration and perspiration)
  2. A Polygraph is a device that produces a copy of a piece of writing simultaneously with the creation of the original, using pens and ink.
  3. The term literally means "many writings," which refers to the manner in which selected physiological activities are simultaneously recorded. Polygraphs records respiration, cardiovascular activity and electro dermal activity of an examinee while an examiner questions the examinee. ...
  4. A device that measures multiple physiological indicators to judge whether an individual is lying. Despite their pervasiveness, polygraphs have proven to have minimal validity for detecting lies in real-world settings.
  5. A machine used to monitor bodily functions which may change when an individual lies.Not admissible in court.
  6. An electronic device (often called a lie detector) that senses and records changes in several physiological indices including blood pressure, heart rate, respiration, and galvanic skin response
  7. An instrument used to measure physiological responses in humans when they are questioned in order to determine if their answers are truthful.
  8. A device for measuring heart rate, respiration, and galvanic skin response. Sometimes called a "lie detector," the polygraph can only detect signs of physiological stress; whether one is lying is an interpretation made by the polygraph examiner.
  9. A lie-detector machine which records even the slightest variation in blood pressure, body temperature and respiration as questions are put to, and answers elicited from a subject.
  10. A lie-detector test.
  11. An electronic test that is intended to determine honesty by measuring an individual's physiological changes that occur after being asked questions.