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pollen 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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pollens, plural;
  1. A fine powdery substance, typically yellow, consisting of microscopic grains discharged from the male part of a flower or from a male cone. Each grain contains a male gamete that can fertilize the female ovule, to which pollen is transported by the wind, insects, or other animals

  1. the fine spores that contain male gametes and that are borne by an anther in a flowering plant
  2. Pollen is a fine to coarse powder containing the microgametophytes of seed plants, which produce the male gametes (sperm cells). ...
  3. Pollen was a power pop band originally hailing from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. They released four albums over their eight years.
  4. Pollen is a 1995 science fiction novel written by British author Jeff Noon.
  5. A fine granular substance produced in flowers. Collective term for pollen grains or microspores produced in the anthers of flowering plants
  6. (pollened) Covered with pollen
  7. Pollen is the male fertilising agent of flowering plants, grasses, trees and weeds.
  8. The dust-like male reproductive cells (gametophytes) of flowers, formed in the anthers, and important as a protein source for bees; pollen is essential for bees to rear brood.
  9. the male reproductive cell bodies produced by anthers of flowers, collected and used by honey bees as their source of protein.
  10. The male gametes, which are produced in the stamens of flowering seed plants.
  11. The powder-like substance produced by a flowers anthers that fertilises the seeds.
  12. The grains produced by the anthers that carry reproductive or sex cells (gametes). In Pisum the pollen are considered the "male" reproductive cells, while the eggs are considered the "female" cells; of course in such plants this distinction is primarily metaphorical. ...
  13. The yellow dust produced by the anters. It is the male element which fertilized the ovule.
  14. The fertilizing element of flowering plants; background air pollutant.
  15. a fine, powdery substance released by plants and trees.
  16. Grains or microspores containing male gametophytes of seed plants, produced by the anthers. Each pollen grain is tiny, although in large quantities it is visible as a fine, usually yellow powder. Fertilization in seed plants is the transfer (by insect, wind, bird, etc. ...
  17. the microspores of seed plants, formed in and shed from the anthers, by which time some nuclear division has taken place to form a gametophyte enclosed in the spore wall.
  18. A fine powder made by flowers. With flowering plants, pollen must get from one flower to another flower for a plant to make fruit. Most plants depend on bees or other insects to "pollinate" flowers.
  19. Reproductive cells of seed-bearing plants. Each plant has a distinctive pollen shape, so pollen is useful in identifying plant species in the past.
  20. the fine powdery fertilizing "dust" produced by seed-bearing plants. Pollen grains are highly resistant to agents of decay and thus are often preserved in the archaeological record. ...
  21. The male reproductive cell of a plant. May serve as a minor source of protein for hummingbirds that pick up pollen when they visit flowers to get nectar.
  22. Equivalent of sperm in plants. Pollen grain fertilizes plant ovules.
  23. is the word used to describe the male fertilizing elements given off into the air by flowering plants. Inside of the pollen grains there are proteins that can cause allergic reactions in genetically predisposed people. ...
  24. Tiny grains made by the male part of a flower. In order for seeds to form, pollen must reach the female part of the flower (pollination). Insects such as bees help this process by carrying pollen between flowers as they feed.
  25. The pollen grain is a tiny particle carried by insects or wind to fertilise the female flower. Breathing in pollen causes allergic rhinitis (hay fever) and asthma in some people.