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polka 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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polkas, plural;
  1. Dance the polka

  1. A lively dance of Bohemian origin in duple time

  2. A piece of music for this dance or in its rhythm

  1. music performed for dancing the polka
  2. dance a polka
  3. a Bohemian dance with 3 steps and a hop in fast time
  4. The polka is a lively Central European dance and also a genre of dance music familiar throughout Europe and the Americas. ...
  5. Pólka may refer to the following places: *Pólka, Łódź Voivodeship (central Poland) *Pólka, Masovian Voivodeship (east-central Poland) *Pólka, Pomeranian Voivodeship (north Poland)
  6. (polkaness) the extent to which something exhibits polka qualities and characteristics is it's polkaness
  7. Generic term for duple meter rhythm found in various forms throughout Scandinavia.
  8. A lively couple dance in duple time that was popularized by the Strauss family in Viennese ballrooms during the nineteenth century; is thought to have evolved from a peasant round dance from Bohemia
  9. With weight off the indicated starting foot, hop on the other foot and then take 3 small steps. å i.e. either hop on the r.f., then step onto left, right, left, or hop on l.f., and step onto right, left, right.
  10. The song of merriment in folk and popular Filipino cultures. It is in moderately fast to fast duple meter. Most of Filipino Christmas carols use this musical form.
  11. An energetic Bohemian dance performed in the round in 2/4 time. Originally a peasant dance, but in the mid-19th century it became popular throughout all classes in Europe and America.
  12. A type of Irish dance tune played briskly in 2/4 time. Originated in Poland, popular in southwest Ireland.
  13. A song written in 2/4 time with a strong accent on the first beat. Played at a fast tempo, usually between 110 to 125 bpm, but dependent upon the region of performance or the origin of the music.
  14. Optimara variety belonging to the Little Dancer series. Compact African Violet (3-inch pot size) with frilled, lilac flowers and dark green leaves. Introduced 1997. More information.
  15. Can be done well or dangerously.  Obviously we will teach you the former.  Great for Octoberfest parties!
  16. (1): A couple dance done to brisk music in 2/4 or 4/4 time, often using a specific step called the polka step. (2): Music written for dancers to polka to.
  17. A dance in 2/4 time coming from Bohemia.
  18. a round dance, of Bohemian peasant origin, in quick duple time
  19. Mostly a simple melody in 2/4 tune with regular timing based on eight bar parts. Polkas often have three parts with one part being in a different key, with the exception of Australian polkas which traditionally have two parts. ...
  20. This dance was introduced to society in 1844. Every now and then it is revived because of its boisterous charm. It was supposed to have been originally created by a Bohemian girl. The basic step consists of a preparatory hop followed by a chase done first to the left then to the right. ...
  21. Three steps done to two beats of music. See Shuffle.
  22. a rapid dance in duple meter