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politicize 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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politicized, past participle; politicizes, 3rd person singular present; politicized, past tense; politicised, past tense; politicises, 3rd person singular present; politicised, past participle; politicizing, present participle; politicising, present participle;
  1. Cause (an activity or event) to become political in character
    • - art was becoming politicized
    • - attempts to politicize America's curricula
  2. Make (someone) politically aware, esp. by persuading them of the truth of views considered radical
    • - we successfully politicized a generation of women
  3. Engage in or talk about politics

  1. give a political character to; "politicize the discussion"
  2. A politicized issue is a social, economic, theological, spiritual, scientific or legal issue which has become a political issue, as a result of deliberate action or otherwise, whereby people become politically active over that issue.
  3. (Politicization) The process by which issues are taken out of the personal or private domain and situated instead within the public domain where they can compete for scarce resources. See also depoliticization .
  4. (Politicization) the tendency to make politics the first and only recourse to resolve public issues – an idolatrous form of politics or an addiction to coercion. (102)