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pockmark 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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pockmarks, plural;
  1. Cover or disfigure with such marks
    • - the area is pockmarked by gravel pits
    • - a pockmarked face
  1. A pitted scar or mark on the skin left by a pustule or pimple

  2. A scar, mark, or pitted area disfiguring a surface

  1. a scar or pit on the skin that is left by a pustule of smallpox or acne or other eruptive disease
  2. mark with or as if with pockmarks; "Her face was pockmarked by the disease"
  3. (pockmarked) pocked: used of paved surfaces having holes or pits
  4. Pockmarks are craters in the seabed resulting from the release of gas or liquid.
  5. A mark or scar in the skin caused by a pock
  6. (Pockmarking) Undesirable depressions formed in a painted surface or varnish film.
  7. (pockmarks) circular- to oval-shaped depressions on the seafloor caused by the release of subsurface fluids or gas from sea floor sediments.
  8. A feature of the offshore sea-bottom that resembles a round, crater-like depression up to 300 m across and 1­30 m deep