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poach 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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poaches, 3rd person singular present; poaching, present participle; poached, past tense; poached, past participle;
  1. Illegally hunt or catch (game or fish) on land that is not one's own, or in contravention of official protection

  2. Take or acquire in an unfair or clandestine way
    • - employers risk having their newly trained workers poached by other companies
  3. (in ball games) Take a shot that a partner or teammate would have expected to take

  4. (of an animal) Trample or cut up (turf) with its hoofs

  5. (of land) Become sodden by being trampled

  1. hunt illegally; "people are poaching elephants for their ivory"
  2. cook in a simmering liquid; "poached apricots"
  3. (poached) boiled: cooked in hot water
  4. (poaching) cooking in simmering liquid
  5. Poaching is the illegal taking of wild plants or animals contrary to local and international conservation and wildlife management laws. Violations of hunting laws and regulations are normally punishable by law and, collectively, such violations are known as poaching.
  6. (Poaching (food)) Poaching is the process of gently simmering food in liquid, generally water, milk, stock or wine.
  7. (Poaching (snowboarding)) Poaching originally refers to the act of illegally snowboarding at a resort where snowboards are explicitly prohibited. Poaching is intended as a form of protest against what snowboarders view as segregation and can be seen as a form of civil disobedience.
  8. to cook something in simmering water; as in "cattle coming to drink had punched and poached the river bank into a mess of mud."
  9. (poaching) Trespassing in search of game
  10. (Poached) Ask for a fresh pan of water and your food is safe. The chef puts your food in the water and at a constant simmer.  Be creative and add some wine or lemon anything that will make your food taste better.
  11. (Poaching) (in doubles) an aggressive move where the player at net moves to volley a shot intended for his/her partner
  12. (Poaching) Illegally killing an animal.
  13. (poaching) the illegal killing of animals or fish, a great concern with respect to endangered or threatened species.
  14. ("Poaching") This is named after the illegal hunting of animals when its not the right season. Similarly, poaching is the term for players hitting the ball when it is clearly not their turn. Poaching may be legal or illegal depending on who is in square four and who her enemies are.
  15. (Poaching) Cooking at 1160-180 degrees Fahr.
  16. (Poaching) Cooking fish in a gently simmering liquid. This might be water, wine, stock, juice, or a combination of different ingredients. Never let the water boil else the fish cooks too fast
  17. (Poaching) Damage caused to grassland when animals churn up the fields during wet weather.
  18. (Poaching) Mountain Gorillas are not usually hunted for bushmeat, but they are frequently maimed or killed by traps and snares intended for other animals. They have been killed for their heads, hands, and feet, which are sold to collectors. ...
  19. (Poaching) Riding controversial, possibly illegal terrain, eg golf courses.
  20. (Poaching) Skiing out of bounds.
  21. (Poaching) The act of a vampire killing and feeding on a human in Brighton. Typiclly seduction of the human is involved.
  22. (Poaching) The illegal trapping and removal of animals and plants from their natural habitat.
  23. (Poaching) Wet soils which are trampled and 'churned up' by cattle, they become muddy and it often leads to a breakdown in soil structure.
  24. (Poaching) a moist-heat cooking method that use convection to transfer heat from a hot liquid to the food submerged in it
  25. (Poaching) illegal hunting, often referred to in a protected area