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pluralize 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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pluralising, present participle; pluralised, past tense; pluralizing, present participle; pluralised, past participle; pluralized, past tense; pluralizes, 3rd person singular present; pluralized, past participle; pluralises, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Cause to become more numerous

  2. Cause to be made up of several different elements

  3. Give a plural form to (a word)

  1. mark with a grammatical morpheme that indicates plural; "How do speakers pluralize nouns in Japanese?"
  2. (pluralization) the act of pluralizing or attributing plurality to
  3. to make plural
  4. (pluralization) A feature of ActiveRecord that generates much controversy. Models have singular names, like person, while views and controllers use plurals of those names, because they work with many instances of the models. ...