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plummet 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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plummeting, present participle; plummeted, past tense; plummets, 3rd person singular present; plummeted, past participle;
  1. Fall or drop straight down at high speed
    • - a climber was killed when he plummeted 300 feet down an icy gully
  2. Decrease rapidly in value or amount
    • - hardware sales plummeted
  1. A steep and rapid fall or drop

  2. A plumb or plumb line

  1. drop sharply; "The stock market plummeted"
  2. plumb bob: the metal bob of a plumb line
  3. Plummet is a trance duo from Florida. The act consists of producer/remixer Eric B. Muniz (aka DJ X) and female vocalist, Cheramy Burgess.
  4. A piece of lead attached to a line, used in sounding the depth of water; A plumb bob or a plumb line; Hence, any weight; A piece of lead formerly used by school children to rule paper for writing; a plummet line, a line with a plummet; a sounding line; Violent or dramatic fall; decline; ...
  5. method of ruling the guide lines on a page using red lead
  6. A leadpoint, also known as plummet, is a piece of lead alloy, sometimes contained in a holder (the precursor of a pencil), which could be used for drawing, annotation, and ruling. Leadpoint began to be widely used in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. ...
  7. a weight which may be used as a plumb bob, netsinker or for any similar purpose.
  8. A problematic polished stone artifact that has many conjectured intended uses. In all likelihood a cerimonial object.
  9. v. fall rapidly straight down
  10. (v) - to plunge, to drop