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plume 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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plumes, plural;
  1. Spread out in a shape resembling a feather
    • - smoke plumed from the chimneys
  2. Decorate with or as if with feathers
    • - a plumed cap
  3. (of a bird) Preen itself

  4. Feel a great sense of self-satisfaction about something
    • - she plumed herself on being cosmopolitan
  1. A long, soft feather or arrangement of feathers used by a bird for display or worn by a person for ornament
    • - a hat with a jaunty ostrich plume
  2. A part of an animal's body that resembles a feather
    • - the antennae are divided into large feathery plumes
  3. A long cloud of smoke or vapor resembling a feather as it spreads from its point of origin
    • - as he spoke, the word was accompanied by a white plume of breath
  4. A mass of material, typically a pollutant, spreading from a source
    • - a radioactive plume
  5. A localized column of hot magma rising by convection in the mantle, believed to cause volcanic activity in hot spots, such as the Hawaiian Islands, away from plate margins

  1. anything that resembles a feather in shape or lightness; "a plume of smoke"; "grass with large plumes"
  2. overcharge: rip off; ask an unreasonable price
  3. a feather or cluster of feathers worn as an ornament
  4. pride: be proud of; "He prides himself on making it into law school"
  5. deck with a plume; "a plumed helmet"
  6. feather: the light horny waterproof structure forming the external covering of birds
  7. The Air anime series is based on the visual novel Air by the Japanese software company Key. The episodes, produced by the animation studio Kyoto Animation, are directed by Tatsuya Ishihara, written by Fumihiko Shimo, and features character design by Tomoe Aratani who based the designs on Itaru ...
  8. Plume is an electronic/punk band formed by Lucas and Catherine Tizon, and originally based in London. Their collaboration was the result of Lucas' love of industrial sound, sound-engineering and his eclectic production technique. The band is now based in Jersey City, New Jersey, USA.
  9. In hydrodynamics, a plume is a column of one fluid moving through another. Several effects control the motion of the fluid, including momentum, diffusion, and buoyancy (for density-driven flows). ...
  10. Plume is a publishing company in the United States, founded in 1970 as the paperback imprint of New American Library. Today it is a division of Penguin Group, with a backlist of approximately 700 titles.
  11. (Plumed) having a feather-like appearance
  12. (Plumes) A portion of air moving coherently.
  13. (Plumes) Fragile feather-like adornments worn (in fine weather) on uniform hats.
  14. (Plumes) Long, showy feathers, acquired during the breeding season
  15. A naturally occurring phenomenon in the cigar aging process, also called plume, caused by the oils that exude from the tobacco. It appears as a fine white powder and can be brushed off. Not to be confused with mold, which is bluish and stains the wrapper.
  16. Long fringe of hair hanging from the tail (e.g. Papillon).
  17. The visible or measurable discharge of a contaminant from a given point of origin.
  18. the material spreading from a particular source and traveling through environmental media, such as air or ground water. ...
  19. A long, feather-shaped cloud of steam or gases.
  20. A plume is a visible smoke-like structure, which may contain pollutants emitted from an exhaust or smoke stack and released into the atmosphere. This elongated band of smoke has changing characteristics that vary with its local environmental conditions. ...
  21. Streamers of solar matter above the coronal holes.
  22. An elongated and usually open and mobile column or band (as of liquid, exhaust gases, or smoke
  23. The fluid formation that is created as hydrothermal vent waters are injected into the ocean from the sea floor.
  24. A cloud of airborne radioactive material that is transported from a nuclear or radiological source in the direction of the prevailing wind.
  25. A concentration of contaminants in air, soil, or water usually extending from a distinct source.