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plop 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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plops, plural;
  1. Fall or cause to fall with such a sound
    • - the stone plopped into the pond
    • - she plopped a sugar cube into the cup
  2. Sit or lie down gently but clumsily
    • - he plopped himself down on the nearest chair
  1. A short sound as of a small, solid object dropping into water without a splash

  1. drop something with a plopping sound
  2. the noise of a rounded object dropping into a liquid without a splash
  3. with a short hollow thud; "plop came the ball down to the corner of the green"
  4. drop with the sound of something falling into water
  5. plank: set (something or oneself) down with or as if with a noise; "He planked the money on the table"; "He planked himself into the sofa"
  6. PLate OPtimizer, or PLOP is a CAD program used by amateur telescope makers to design primary mirror support cells for reflecting telescopes. It was developed by telescope maker David Lewis, first described in 1999, and used to simplify calculations needed in the design of mirror support cells. ...
  7. Pattern Languages of Programs is the name of a group of annual conferences. The purpose of these conferences is to develop and refine the art of software design patterns. ...
  8. Plop!, "The New Magazine of Weird Humor!", was a comic book anthology published by DC Comics in the mid 1970s. It falls into the horror / humor genre. There were 24 issues in all and the series ran from Sept./Oct. 1973 to Nov./Dec. 1976.
  9. The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark is a children's book by Jill Tomlinson, of which there is also an audio version read by Maureen Lipman for those unable to read at the current stage in their life. It was first published in 1968, with a 2001 edition illustrated by Paul Howard.
  10. A sound or action like liquid hitting a hard surface; slang for excrement, derived from the "plop" sound made when the former hits water in a toilet; a person whom the speaker dislikes; To make the sound of liquid hitting a hard surface; To land heavily or loosely; To excrete, derived from ...
  11. is a word used to describe the way that a water droplet sounds when it hits the water or another surface. It can also describe the way something else sounds when it falls into water. A plop is soft and quiet. It is not a loud sound like a splash.
  12. (plohp): Expression made popular by the Condorito comics and commonly used to express surprise.
  13. a rapidly descending glissando at the start of a note, normally sounded just prior to the beat
  14. is the most responsible Kabouter. He owns the milk inn and his cap shows the symbol of a heart. He wears glasses and has a white beard. Played by Walter De Donder.