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platoon 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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platoons, plural;
  1. (in baseball and other sports) Have (an athlete) play in rotation with one or more teammates at the same position
    • - he was underrated because of Stengel's platooning him with Woodling
  2. Play a sport in this way
    • - Polonia mostly platooned in his three years with the A's
  1. A subdivision of a company of soldiers, usually forming a tactical unit that is commanded by a lieutenant and divided into several sections

  2. A group of people acting together
    • - platoons of sharp lawyers
  3. (in baseball and other sports) A pairing of two or more teammates who play the same position at different times
    • - in 1982 the Orioles employed a productive left-field platoon of Lowenstein, Ayala, and Roenicke

  1. a military unit that is a subdivision of a company; usually has a headquarters and two or more squads; usually commanded by a lieutenant
  2. a team of policemen working under the military platoon system
  3. a group of persons who are engaged in a common activity; "platoons of tourists poured out of the busses"; "the defensive platoon of the football team"
  4. A platoon is a military unit typically composed of two to four sections or squads and containing 16 to 50 soldiers. Platoons are organized into a company, which typically consists of three, four or five platoons. ...
  5. Grouping vehicles into platoons is one proposed method to increase without building additional traffic lanes.
  6. Platoon is a 1986 war film written and directed by Oliver Stone and starring Tom Berenger, Willem Dafoe, and Charlie Sheen. It is the first of Stone's Vietnam War trilogy, followed by 1989's Born on the Fourth of July and 1993's Heaven & Earth.
  7. A unit of thirty to forty soldiers typically commanded by a lieutenant and forming part of a company; To alternate starts with a teammate of opposite handedness, depending on the handedness of the opposing pitcher
  8. (Platoons) Keroro Platoon | Garuru Platoon | Keroro Platoon Double
  9. A platoon is four squads - generally three rifle squads and one weapons squad, normally armed with machine guns and anti-tank weapons. Lieutenants lead most platoons, and the second-in-command is generally a sergeant first class.
  10. original soundtrack: Barber Adagio - Delerue. Delerue conductor. 1986. Atlantic 78-1742-1
  11. One of three work groups that are on duty for a 24 hour tour.
  12. A group of vehicles moving, more or less as a unit, along a signalized roadway system.
  13. there were four rifle platoons in a company. Each platoon had four sections.
  14. A military organization unit within an infantry company commanded by a Captain or Lieutenant with a strength of 20 to 70 men.
  15. a unit of soldiers, normally consisting of 50 men.
  16. a subdivision of a fire company, led a fire officer of either the rank of captain or lieutenant, such that one of several platoons is assigned to duty for a specified period. Also called a "watch". In many areas the word "platoon" is used to describe the different shifts in the fire department. ...
  17. A sub-unit of a company. Comprising of three or four sections, (24 to 60 men), it is commanded by a Lieutenant or formerly a Captain. Equivalent sub-units would be a Section of Artillery, or a troop of Cavalry. It derives from the French word pelote meaning ball. ...
  18. a component element of a company consisting of three squads; commanded by a lieutenant.
  19. approximately 45 men belonging to a company. Commanded by a lieutenant, a platoon is an organizational unit composed of two or more squads.
  20. A group of vehicles that are traveling together by moving at generally the same speed
  21. a small group of soldiers which is part of a company and is led by a lieutenant
  22. ("Stay out of this Elias, this ain't your show"- Sgt. Bob Barnes)
  23. Approximately 40 troops